How to effectively collect first-party data?

How to effectively collect first-party data?

First-party data is collected directly by the company or brand from users when they interact with it (for example, on its website, app, or other marketing channels).

It is an essential building block of customer knowledge. and an indispensable tool for personalizing the buyer’s experience and making better business decisions. But how can you effectively collect first-party data?

In this article, we share ideas for interactive and fun levers that encourage consumers to share relevant information with brands.

What is First Party data ?

First party data are the information collected directly from one’s audience or customers. It’s about data that the company collects during interactions with consumers, whether they visit its website, engage with its social media posts, or make a purchase on its online store.

This data is inherently more reliable than information collected in a less direct manner. (such as through a third-party site) since they come directly from the source. Throughout the customer journey, prospects or customers share personal information (such as their email address, location, age) as well as consumption preferences (budget, preferred purchasing channel, etc.).

This data then allows brands to design marketing campaigns and personalized shopping experiences, which are more likely to convert and retain customers.

Why is first-party data important?

The main advantage of first-party data over other types of data (such as third-party data) is its reliability and level of accuracy. Indeed, proprietary data is, as noted, shared directly and voluntarily by the brand’s target audience.

As a result, collecting first-party data allows companies to refine their customer knowledge while complying with current regulations on privacy and data protection (such as the GDPR in Europe).

A collaborative study conducted by Google and Boston Consulting Group revealed that marketing campaigns leveraging first-party data can increase revenue by a factor of 2.9. while reducing costs by a factor of 1.5. Additionally, according to a Convert study, 92% of marketers consider proprietary data essential for their company’s growth.

How to effectively collect first-party data ?

Nowadays its more and more complicated to collect first party data. Indeed, consumers are more cautious about how their data is protected and used by companies. Additionally, governments and major technology giants have also restricted access to third-party data.

Brands must therefore find new ways to encourage their prospects and customers to voluntarily share personal information. Gamification is a very effective collection lever as it makes the process more enjoyable and engaging, while also rewarding users.

Indeed, studies show that 90% of consumers willingly provide first-party data when they perceive a fair exchange. Transparency is also crucial when it comes to capturing and using proprietary data, as it helps build user trust.

Here are 4 first-party data collection strategies that rely on interactive marketing.

1. Collect first-party data with interactive surveys or quizzes

One very effective way to collect first-party data is simply to ask your audience for their opinions through a survey or test their knowledge through a quiz.
L’entreprise peut ainsi recueillir de précieuses informations sur les préférences de ses prospects pour personnaliser ses futures campagnes.

Denmark’s largest bank, Danske Bank, for example, shared a quiz on a complex topic but central to its audience: how homeowners can obtain public subsidies to make their homes more energy-efficient. It created a quiz that not only allowed it to educate its clients, but also to collect targeted information about a specific segment (homeowners).

Interactive surveys also allow for data collection to better segment your audience. For example, a brand can gather customer preferences by asking its followers about their favorite product. Based on the results, it can target each segment with a series of clickable stories featuring only products in the chosen color or material. The collected data can also be used to personalize email campaigns or push notifications for its e-commerce app.

first party data

2. Reward users to encourage them to share data

Consumers are more likely to share their data if they see a benefit in doing so. A good way to motivate them is to offer them exclusive discounts in exchange for information about their purchasing preferences, for example. The brand can then run a 100% winning contest through which participants receive e-coupons after filling out a form asking for their opinions on a topic.

Companies can also maximize the acquisition of first-party data by using more strategically their subscription or registration forms (for example, to a newsletter). They can encourage website visitors to subscribe to a mailing list or create an account by highlighting the benefits they will receive (such as a discount voucher, early access to new features, etc.).

This not only establishes a direct connection with users but also allows for the collection of essential information to create tailored marketing strategies.

3. Collect first-party data through your loyalty program

The development of a loyalty program is an effective way to collect first-party data while fostering customer engagement. As users progress through the program, the brand can gather valuable information on their preferences, behaviors, and purchase histories.

Starbucks is an excellent example of how a company can capitalize on its loyalty program to collect proprietary data. Customers earn “stars” for each purchase, which they can then redeem for free food and drinks.

But to join this program, customers must register and provide personal information. As they make purchases, Starbucks collects valuable first-party data, such as their purchasing preferences. This data allows Starbucks to offer personalized promotions, thereby enhancing customer loyalty and retention.

4. Create and share interactive content

Creating interactive content, which goes beyond traditional photo or video posts, also allows for the collection of first-party data. By offering users dynamic and participatory experiences, brands encourage them to share valuable information.

MM’s, for example, capitalized on the popularity of puzzles by launching an interactive campaign on its social networks: Eye Spy Pretzel .

This marketing game challenged users to find a pretzel hidden in a picture filled with MMs. To unlock it, participants were asked to fill in a simple form.

In addition to collecting data and optin, the campaign was a huge success, resulting in a significant increase in engagement and brand awareness.


To collect first-party data and engage your audiences, your brand can leverage creative strategies. Gamification will not only transform data sharing into an interactive and enjoyable experience but also reward users and convert them more effectively into customers. Discover all our gamification mechanics to energize your data collection strategy.

In 30 minutes, we’ll show you how to launch your own high-performance interactive marketing campaign.

3 black friday marketing strategies to boost sales

3 black friday marketing strategies to boost sales

Black Friday is an essential highlight in the brand marketing calendar. Every year, more than 70% of consumers say they make purchases on this occasion, taking advantage of the exceptional promotions offered by retailers.

Imported from the United States this trade festival is becoming increasingly popular in France and abroad..
Il est donc très pertinent pour les marques de se positionner sur ce temps fort et de créer une stratégie marketing Black Friday efficace, qui leur permettra de recruter et convertir de nouveaux clients.

In this article, we take a look back at the main issues that companies need to prepare for in order to succeed with their Black Friday marketing campaigns. We also share some effective and original ideas to boost sales and prepare offers for the festive season.

Les enjeux marketing du Black Friday

Black Friday is no ordinary trade fair. It offers companies a unique opportunity to hire new prospects and re-engage their existing customers (in the same way as sales). But the special feature of the Black Friday is that is takes place at a particularly strategic time of year.

It is indeed the last weekend of november the final stretch before Christmas shopping. Generally speaking, the 4th quarter of the year (the months of October/November/September) is a strategic time for companies, who generate 20 to 30% of their annual sales during this period.

Black Friday’s marketing challenges are therefore unique and brands have the opportunity to implement a strategy that will enable them to target the following four marketing objectives.

Stand out from the competition

An increasing number of companies are offering Black Friday deals. Brands must therefore redouble their efforts to make their campaign visible to their target audience

To capture attention, they won’t be able to rely solely on exceptional discounts (if they want to control the ROI of their Black Frday campaign). They’ll have to rely on other levers of visibility, such as originality and interactivity. Companies can set themselves apart by organizing a marketing competition, for example.

Engaging consumers at the right time

Brands are tending to communicate their Black Friday offers earlier and earlier. By spacing out their marketing campaign over several days, or even weeks, they can create a teasing effect and better manage consumer expectations .

Its also an effective approach to staying top of mind the big dayand guide shoppers more effectively towards the offers/products that best meet their expectations. The key is to strike the right balance to avoid advertising fatigue (and audience fatigue) by offering a variety of advertising formats that maintain engagement right through to Black Friday. A multi-channel approach will also be essential to reach consumers wherever they are.

Propose relevant offers based on customer preferences

To convert, Black Friday marketing campaigns can’t just play on discount percentages. They can also precisely target consumers’ product preferences, offering them a recommendation of items or services they are more likely to want to buy.

This means collecting, in advance of Black Friday, relevant customer data on favorite product categories, but also on the marketing channels, payment methods and delivery options that buyers intend to prioritize. To achieve this, brands can rely on marketing games such as Battle or Gift Finder.

survey engaging marketing campaigns

Collect opt-ins and build loyalty to boost repeat purchases

As we’ve already mentioned, Black Friday is the start of a particularly intense period for consumers..
La fête commerciale se déroule en effet juste avant le Cyber Monday (qui a lieu le lundi suivant) et Noël.

To boost sales throughout this period, it’s very important that brands take advantage of Black Friday to collect opt-ins. Black Friday marketing formats can be used to this end (via a simple opt-in form, for example).

Brands can also take advantage of this opportunity to continue collecting customer preference (with a survey or swiper, for example), to optimize future campaigns. They can also encourage engaged prospects to create a customer account or download their application to boost their re-purchase rate for the rest of the year.

3 marketing campaign ideas to boost Black Friday sales

Gamification is a relevant lever for meeting the challenges of a Black Friday marketing strategy.

Depending on the brand’s objectives, these interactive and entertaining formats can help to achieve the following goals:

1. Recruter des leads avec un instant gagnant

Simple mechanics such as Instants Gagnants are ideal for recruiting new leads and collecting optin. before or during Black Friday. Red By SNCF, for example, relied on the One-armed Bandit to boost the visibility of its Black Friday campaign.

The very simple principle of the game (aligning three identical patterns to unlock a gift or discount) is indeed perfect for engaging a wide audience. Prospects are also attracted by the prospect of finding out immediately whether they’ve won a reward or not.

What’s more, the interactive, fun aspect of this Black Friday marketing campaign helped the operator stand out at this particularly busy time of year.

marketing game black friday

2. Engage your community during Black Friday with a Shopping List

To engage existing customers during Black Friday, brands can rely on gamification mechanics highlighting their products. The idea here is to discover its offer in a fun way, the aim is also to collect customer preferences in order to offer more targeted product recommendations. The challenge is also to offer attractive prizes that capture the audience’s attention and make them want to participate.

Git, for example, offered its community the chance to win an exceptional basket made up exclusively of items that participants had already selected using a shopping list..
Pendant toute la semaine précédant le Black Friday, les acheteurs pouvaient ainsi tenter leur chance et remporter leur wishlist au tirage au sort.

3. Boost Black Friday sales with coupons

For Black Friday marketing campaigns to bear fruit, brands need to find effective levers to redirect their audience to their website (or in-store for a drive-to-store campaign).

Oui SNCF, for example, took advantage of its Black Friday gamification campaign (a one-armed bandit) to distribute 15-euro e-coupons. Participants could then win a voucher, to be used on the company’s website or app for their next booking.

With more than 2K clicks driven to its site, Oui SNCF boosted sales over the period..
Mais en plus de générer du CA pour le Black Friday, l’entreprise en a aussi profité pour collecter des adresses emails et des optins afin d’enrichir son CRM.

black friday game sncf


Gamification is one of the most effective strategies for creating an impactful marketing campaign. By choosing a playful, interactive mechanism to animate your audience, you can not only present your discounts more effectively, but also significantly boost your sales. Discover our catalog of playable formats to boost your Black Friday marketing strategy.

In 30 minutes, we show you how to launch your own high-performance interactive marketing campaign.

6 marketing campaign ideas to promote a product

6 marketing campaign ideas to promote a product

Promoting a product requires a distinctive marketing strategy of a classic brand awareness campaign. Indeed, the brand will need to focus its content on a very specific item, to highlight its features and make its audience want to buy it.

But a campaign to promote a product can also serve other strategic objectives for the company. It can be an opportunity to :

  • gain notoriety,
  • recruit new leads (especially if the brand extends its product range),
  • retain existing customers,
  • collect opt-in,
  • or attract the public in-store (with product demonstrations, for example).

In this article, we propose 6 effective ideas for gamified marketing campaigns to promote a product.

1. How to promote a product with an exclusive preview

The launch of a new product is a major event for brands. Some brands use the occasion to organize a physical event to present the new product to their audience. This is the case, for example, with Apple and its famous Keynotes.

Live shopping also offers a digital alternative to this product presentation, giving buyers an exclusive look at the item being used (or worn, for example, in the case of fashion marketing).).
Les marques peuvent elles aussi en profiter pour répondre aux questions des internautes et présenter ainsi les caractéristiques et la valeur ajoutée de leur produit de manière beaucoup plus interactive et pertinente.

This product presentation, whether physical or digital, can take place before the launch. In the case of a digital product (such as software or a video game), the company can create a form of teasing by presenting a demonstration of its service, or by having its most committed users test an MVP (for Minimum Viable Product, i.e. a beta version). This is an excellent way of collecting feedback to improve the final product, and also of rewarding loyal customers.

2. Answering customer questions with an interactive quiz

The main added value of a new product, and what will make it stand out from its competitors, is its ability to respond to the problems faced by consumers. To encourage the audience to take an interest in a new product, and make them want to buy it, the brand can present its main features and what makes it unique, through an interactive quiz for example.

Consumers can discover the product interactively, through a gamified format at the end of which they can win a voucher or discount. This is what Savencia did to promote its 2 brands Giovanni Ferrari (mozzarella) and Islos (Feta) during the summer. The company shared a Mediterranean-themed quiz in which participants could test their knowledge while discovering the products.

Participants can ask questions via a shared form at the end of the quiz..
L’entreprise peut ensuite garder les questions les plus fréquentes et/ou les plus pertinentes pour organiser un Q&A et ainsi répondre aux préoccupations ou aux attentes de ses prospects.

product promotion quiz

3. Share UGC to promote a product

What better way to promote a product than to share visual testimonials of the value it already offers your existing customers. In marketing, this is called UGC, i.e. buyer-generated content.
Il peut s’agir de photos ou de vidéos dans lesquelles vos clients se montrent en train d’utiliser (ou de porter votre produit).

This authentic content is highly effective in converting new customers, all the more so when shared with a dedicated hashtag on social networks. To collect UGC, brands can organize a contest (again, video or photo). Customers will be encouraged to enter for a chance to win an attractive prize fund and the chance to be rewarded on their favorite brand’s account.

This is what GoPro does, for example, to highlight the quality of its cameras.

4. Product launch: 100% winning coupons

Companies can also organize a promotional campaign to give visibility to a new product and boost sales at launches. Visit 100% winning instants, which distribute e-coupons, is particularly effective in this case.

All participants can win a discount (by a greater or lesser percentage depending on their result in the marketing game). The brand can do this via an interactive mechanism such as the A slot machine, for example, with motifs representing his new product, or a pinata, again in the shape of the item in question.

pinata marketing contest

5. Present the benefits of the new product

Many brands promoting a product tend to focus on its features and functionality. However, a much more effective marketing strategy is to present the advantages of a product and the added value it can bring to users. Users are thus encouraged to imagine themselves with the product in their hands, and better visualize what it can do for them.

An excellent gamification mechanic for presenting the added value of your product or offering is the Memory.
En effet, elle permet de
showcase promotional content in an original way, inform consumers and maximize the time they spend with the brand.

Shuttle Freight, for example, has opted for this marketing game to highlight the benefits of their loyalty program. and recruit new members. By clicking on a new card, participants could discover the rewards to which they would have access according to the number of points accumulated (birthday gift, free crossing, etc.).

The game was followed by an instant win to earn loyalty points: a particularly engaging mechanic, since prospects knew exactly what these points would unlock.

product promotion loyalty

6. Immerse customers in your brand universe with a treasure hunt

When brands promote a product, they often use static formats that don’t engage consumers. Gamification allows you to create interaction and to encourage customers to interact with the product. They are no longer the passive spectators of a classic ad or tutorial video presentation, but the actors in the campaign, discovering the product from every angle and even in action.

The treasure hunt is a very interesting format for creating this interaction between customer and product. Participants are immersed in the world of the brand and can discover the product in a gamified environment linked to the article. This may involve a classic hidden object, in which the user searches for the object in a virtual world.

The brand can also opt for a more complex version, in which the user has to assemble the various components that make up the product. (like the ingredients of a beauty care product, for example). The customer discovers for himself the full potential of the product, its different functionalities/properties and use cases.

hidden object game


To promote your product, rely on interactive advertising formats. Gamification enables you to create a unique experience that will help your brand boost sales by inviting prospects and customers to discover new products in a different way. Boost your marketing campaigns by personalizing our playable mechanics!

In 30 minutes, we show you how to launch your own high-performance interactive marketing campaign.

How to create an interactive digital advent calendar?

How to create an interactive digital advent calendar?

The Christmas holiday season is a crucial time for business profitability. During the last month of the year, they can achieve up to 20% of their annual sales.

One of the keys to engaging consumers during this sales period is to anticipate your campaign by multiplying contact points. in the run-up to December 24th. In fact, it takes an average of 8 interactions between a prospect and the brand before a sale is concluded.

In this article, we’ll take a look at a marketing mechanism that’s particularly relevant to Christmas campaigns. This is the Advent calendar, which allows you to multiply the number of interactions with your audience. Here we share tips for creating a memorable digital Advent calendar, as well as concrete examples to inspire you.

The mechanics of the Advent Calendar

The Advent Calendar is a particularly popular marketing tool during the Christmas season. The principle is simple: every day, participants discover a new animation through “boxes” to be opened. This can be a competition or an interactive animation such as an Instant Win, through which users can unlock free rewards and gifts.

Creating a digital advent calendar is a great way to boost your Christmas marketing campaign because, in the minds of consumers, this mechanism is directly associated with the end-of-year festivities. It’s also a great way to capture and hold your audience’s attention, by giving them a daily appointment and offering new surprises with each new slot.

What’s more, this marketing activity is ideal for animating and rewarding your customer community..
Durant les fêtes de Noël, les consommateurs sont en effet à l’affût de bons plans et réductions pour faire des économies sur leurs achats de cadeaux.
En distribuant des bons de réduction et des dotations attractives tous les jours, la marque peut fidéliser ses clients et convertir de nouveaux prospects, générant plus de ventes.

3 tips for a successful digital Advent Calendar

The Advent Calendar is the perfect way to animate your community during the Christmas holidays and multiply the points of contact with your audience, but it also requires a great deal of planning. Here are a few tips to help you succeed and keep up the pace.

1. Plan your content for the 25 squares of the digital advent calendar

Brands that choose this marketing game for their Christmas marketing campaign will have to share interactive games and content every day, from December 1 to December 25. It’s therefore important to plan your content so as to diversify the animations, interactive mechanics and prizes shared with your community, in order to hold the attention of participants throughout the month of December.

2. Customize animations and prizes

The Advent Calendar will be more effective in achieving the strategic objectives the brand has set itself if it is personalized. This means, in advance of the Christmas campaign, refine its customer knowledge, for example by collecting data and product preferences. This will enable the company to offer targeted content and rewards that are more effective in engage audiences and generate sales.

3. Diversify distribution channels

To engage as many prospects and customers as possible, brands also need to think of their digital Advent Calendar as an omnichannel animation. The different Playable Marketing formats are particularly relevant in this context. The brand can engage its audience across all these channels with native animations that adapt to its website, shopping application or advertising campaigns (interactive ads).

5 inspiring examples of Advent Calendars

Now let’s get down to business with 5 examples of brands that have created a digital Advent Calendar and leveraged this format to achieve a variety of business objectives.

1. Floa Advent Calendar

With its “Gift Box” operation, the Floa brand took advantage of the year’s most important event to raise its profile, while promoting its partners. The operation enabled the bank to recruit qualified leads to collect and retarget all year round

With attractive prizes (Airpods, connected watch, smartphone, champagne), it attracted over 64K participants.

Floa Advent Calendar

2. Galeries Lafayette Advent Calendar

Galeries Lafayette’s Advent Calendar game aimed to engage customers and prospects via a multi-channel campaign. By showcasing its famous Christmas windows on all its digital channels, the animation functioned as a sales generator. It also enabled the chain to capture customer data via a lead recruitment form. This data then enabled Galeries to effectively retarget its audience throughout the year.

Galeries lafayette marketing calendar

3. Ouest France Advent Calendar

The digital Advent Calendar can also be used in culture and leisure marketing.
Ici, l’objectif n’est pas de générer des ventes, mais d’i
Encourage its audience to create a Ouest France account. Indeed, only participants with an account could access the game and try to win attractive prizes (vacation stays, household appliances and high-tech, leisure activities, shopping vouchers).

The campaign enabled Ouest France to animate its audiences throughout December and recruit 81K subscribers.

ouest france account creation

3. Carrefour Advent Calendar

Carrefour uses marketing games to enrich and qualify its database throughout the year. For Christmas, the supermarket chain has chosen to adapt the mechanics of the Advent Calendar.
Le formulaire était scindé en 2 pour optimiser les performances.
Résultat, l’animation a permis de recruter 321K inscrits dont 77 % ont rempli la totalité des données de qualification.

carrefour advent calendar

5. Kiabi Advent Calendar

To boost the visibility of their Advent Calendar, brands can also rely on cobranding. This strategy involves partnering with an affinity brand to leverage its reach and reach a new audience. At Christmas, Kiabi regularly offers an Advent calendar in partnership with several brands, enabling users to discover different brands each day via prizes to be won.
kiabi advent calendar


Create a digital Advent Calendar is ideal for animating and converting your audience during the festive season. Plan your campaign and diversify your Christmas animations to maximize its impact. With Adictiz, you can boost visibility and generate more leads and sales with a customized media plan!

In 30 minutes, we show you how to launch your own high-performance interactive marketing campaign.

3 ideas for Christmas marketing campaigns to capture the attention of your audiences

3 ideas for Christmas marketing campaigns to capture the attention of your audiences

Christmas is a magical time when the French want to please their loved ones and themselves. Consumers are therefore more inclined to interact with brand content, especially when it inspires them to buy gifts.

For companies, Christmas represents an average of 20% of sales..
Dans certains secteurs, ce chiffre peut même monter jusqu’à 35 %.
Il est donc crucial pour elles de
create distinctive Christmas marketing campaigns to capture the attention of their audience and boost their end-of-year sales.

In this article, we’ll be sharing some ideas for interactive formats and games to help you achieve your objectives and energize your Christmas marketing campaign.

Anticipate the festive season to optimise your campaigns

E-commerce is booming. At Christmas time 75% of French people buy their gifts on the Internet.

The French are more inclined to spend online and, above all, to plan their purchases in advance so as to spread them over several months and take advantage of the promotional periods that precede this marketing high point (such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, for example).

For brands, this means anticipating their marketing campaigns as far as possible Christmas. By planning events in the weeks leading up to the festive season, they can multiply the points of contact with their audiences, and the chances of them making purchases on their e-commerce site (or in-store).

The marketing highlights leading up to Christmas (Halloween, Black Friday, etc.) can also be excellent opportunities for collecting leads. and customer data. Companies will be able to activate them over the festive season by creating personalised marketing campaigns that are more effective in converting prospects into customers.

Speaking out in advance also allows you to position yourself before everyone else. Brands that start earlier can boost their visibility and reduce their media budget by communicating at a time when competition is less intense and consumers are less affected by ‘advertising fatigue’.

5 trends to boost your Christmas marketing campaign

To create an effective Christmas marketing campaign, it’s important to take account of your audience’s expectations, and market trends as a whole. Whether linked to advertising, marketing or new consumer habits, these trends will enable companies to capture the attention and better engage consumers during the festive season.

These include :

  • Made in France. 1 consumer in 2 would prefer local products, Made In France, for Christmas presents. As well as highlighting the provenance of their products, brands can also capitalise on this trend to offer competition prizes that are more in line with their customers’ values;
  • The end of third-party cookies and proprietary data collection. Brands need to focus on implementing zero-party data collection and opt-in tools to maintain contact with their audience and refine their customer knowledge.
  • Influence marketing remains a powerful lever for engaging communities. Consumers are sensitive to partnerships between brands and content creators. These campaigns are particularly effective in collecting leads and generating new conversions.
  • Short content is recommended to captivate your audience and communicate effectively. Companies need to take account of consumers’ attention spans and offer striking animations that will encourage users to stop scrolling.
  • Native advertising (i.e. one that respects the format and codes of the channel on which it is broadcast) is crucial to optimising your presence on social networks and on your website. It makes for a smoother, more immersive browsing experience.

3 ideas for Christmas marketing campaigns to stand out from the crowd

By capitalising on these trends to capture consumers’ attention, brands can create effective Christmas marketing campaigns, specifically targeting their strategic objectives.

To inspire them, here are 3 ideas for animations and interactive campaigns to engage and convert your audience at Christmas.

An engaging speed game to boost brand awareness

Gamification (i.e. incorporating playful elements into sales promotions) is an excellent way for brands to capture and hold the attention of consumers. One of the most effective formats at this time of year is an engaging mechanic like Tiny Wings.

This speed game was used by household appliance brand Electrolux for its ‘A Swedish Christmas’ campaign. The campaign aimed to The main aim was to highlight the company’s Swedish origins through a fun, viral game, and thus raise its profile over the festive period.

The engaging and addictive nature of the marketing game also enabled the company to capitalise on the interaction with participants to collect opt-ins. With an engagement rate of 92% and game sessions lasting an average of 1 minute and 18 seconds, this activity helped to strengthen the brand’s appeal to consumers over the Christmas period.

SFR Réunion also relied on this mechanism for its Christmas marketing campaign. Focused on lead generation, the campaign was a great success during the recruitment phase, thanks in particular to a media strategy based on native advertising.

Thanks to an attractive prize fund, the company was able to attract more than 10k new visitors. on its website. And with an average of more than 7 games played per subscriber and an average playing time of over 3 minutes, this interactive activity generated a high level of support for the brand among participants.

sfr christmas marketing competition

2. Instant win for Christmas coupons

Instant winners are also very effective during the Christmas period, when users are looking for good deals and discounts to save on their gift purchases.

The 100% winning Claw machine, for example, enables companies to distribute discount coupons to all participants. Showroomprivé.com banked on this Christmas marketing game during the festive season. 7,000 vouchers were distributed during the campaign, helping to convert prospects into customers and boosting the brand’s sales.

This animation can also be used as part of a Drive to Store campaign during the Christmas period. McDonald’s franchisees in the North of France have chosen to set up a campaign combining a Flappy and a 100% winning claw machine. These events enabled users to win discount vouchers to be used towards the purchase of a Maxi Best Of menu in participating restaurants, boosting traffic in the brand’s points of sale.

claw machine mc do christmas competition

3. An omnichannel Christmas campaign to engage consumers

It takes an average of 8 interactions between a brand and its prospect before they are ready to buy. If brands want to to boost their Christmas sales, they need to multiply the points of contact and the incentives to buy with their audience.

This is what brands can do by implementing an omnichannel Christmas marketing campaign. Companies will deploy a marketing game tailored to this marketing high point (such as the Shopping List for example) across all their communication channels. Adictiz’s customisable form can be used in engaging interactive formats across 4 distinct channels: the e-commerce site, blog articles, live shopping sessions and native advertising.

Brands will be able to engage their audience across all their channels, multiplying interactions to convert as many prospects as possible and boost their Christmas sales.

shopping list noël contest


To create an impactful Christmas marketing campaign, your brand can rely on engaging game mechanicsthat will capture consumers’ attention. Create differentiating brand experiences to boost your brand awareness, collect leads and generate more conversions during the festive season thanks to interactive marketing activities!

In 30 minutes, we show you how to launch your own high-performance interactive marketing campaign.