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The Quiz, to test your audience’s knowledge

Answer one or more open-ended or multiple-choice questions to score maximum points.

The Quiz mechanic invites users to answer one or more questions. The configuration options offered by this mode allow you to customize your quiz course to suit your objectives and audience. You can, for example, propose a new question every day, require a correct answer to access a winning instant, require a minimum number of points to win, propose several questions on the same page, highlight correct answers and add educational explanations to enhance the user experience.

Creating a quiz is also a very effective way of generating traffic to your site. By adding a “hint” button below the question, you can direct users to a page on your site that reveals the expected answer. In this way, users who want to win will be encouraged to visit your site, increasing traffic to your page.

Finally, the Quiz is a great way to engage your audience and create interaction with your community. By proposing interesting questions and offering attractive rewards, you can pique users’ interest and encourage them to share your quiz with their friends and network. By collecting additional data on your prospects and customers, you can also improve your knowledge of your audience and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly.

Quiz settings to customize :

  • Limited participation
  • Game mode
  • Add a stopwatch
  • First question
  • Result page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual background
Discover how to create a Quiz in Adictiz.

Examples of Quiz campaigns

Lidl quiz game
Cookeo quiz game
pinata game customer example adictiz mcdo

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Photo contest

Photo contest

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The Photo Contest, time to vote!

Promote UGC (user generated content) with our photo contest!

Casting game photo contest

The mechanics of the photo contest are highly engaging, as they allow users to create, share and/or vote for content! This can be pre-selected by your brand or downloaded directly by your users.

Generate user-generated content directly related to your brand by encouraging players to share photos (pets, outfits, decoration) or personalize visuals in your brand’s colors.

Fun and highly engaging, it’s the perfect mechanism for animating or qualifying a database.

So you can give users the option of using multiple upload sources to add and personalize their media. This module is only available from the editor when you install a new page on your campaign.

Photo Contest settings to customize :

  • The Upload Media page: import by Computer, Webcam, Facebook
  • Images – Accepted image formats: .JPG / .PNG / .GIF // Maximum image size: 2 MB
  • Limited participation: number of entries per day, week, month, campaign, user
  • Number of media authorized per entry: between 1 and 5
  • Format of generated images : Landscape, Portrait, Square or Freeform

Customize appearance :

  • Visual background
  • Add stickers
  • Adding layers
  • Enable zoom change color of media editing icons
Discover how to create a Photo Contest in Adictiz.

Examples of photo contest campaigns

Kiabi photo contest
Legrand photo contest
Lidl photo contest

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A single platform for achieving your marketing objectives and collecting exclusive data

Beer pong

Beer pong

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Beer Pong: aim for the cups !

A game of skill where the user has to throw an object into one of the containers, beer pong is a classic game!

Beer Pong’s highly customizable mechanics are ideal for animating communities. Participants simply throw an object into a receptacle. A ball in a cup is the best-known version of Beepong, an emblematic student party game that appeals to a young, festive audience.

Numerous options allow you to fully customize its gameplay (number of throws, number of containers, time limit, etc.), maximizing the time spent by your customers and prospects, exposed to your brand universe, services & products. With this mechanic, focused on database animation and qualification, you’ll be able to engage your audiences easily and in good spirits!

Suggest a timed game, to energize the campaign, with players having to get the ball (asset) into the cups (containers) to score the most points and win the game and potentially the prize. A real must-have for young adults in particular.

Beer Pong game settings to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of shots
  • Number of containers
  • Stopwatch

Customize appearance :

  • Assets
  • Containers
Discover how to create a Beer Pong in Adictiz.

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A single platform for achieving your marketing objectives and collecting exclusive data

Circle puzzle

Circle puzzle

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The Circle puzzle game, put the spinning image back together

In this puzzle game, piece together a visual in the time allowed to score as many points as possible.

The mechanics of the Circle puzzle are great fun, and will appeal to young and old alike. The visual is fully customizable to match your brand image and colors. In this example, we’ve chosen to display a recipe with organic ingredients to highlight the latter, as well as the game prize.

How does this puzzle game work? Users must try to reform an image by correctly replacing moving circles. Time is limited, which adds an extra dimension to the game. When creating the game, you select the circular zones independently, so you can choose to select a very precise element of the visual to rotate.

Take advantage of this mechanism to showcase your products or services. Ideal for animating and qualifying your CRM database, this game is sure to please your users.

If you wish, you can also add a teaser page and/or an end-of-operation page to complete the experience around your marketing campaign.

Circle puzzle game settings to customize :

  • Number of entries: by day, week, month, campaign and/or users
  • Activating the stopwatch
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
Discover how to create a Circle puzzle in Adictiz.

Examples of Circle Puzzle campaigns

Puzzle circle maxy toys
Puzzle circle nathan
Puzzle circle legrand

More than 200 brands trust us

A single platform for achieving your marketing objectives and collecting exclusive data

Gift finder

Gift finder

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Gift finder

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Find the perfect gift with the Gift finder

How do you collect customer data? Gift Finder helps you find the perfect gift by collecting preferences.

The Gift Finder is a tool that allows your users to select several pre-defined criteria from a number of drop-down lists. Based on these criteria, the module directs the user to a product or service that best matches his or her preferences. Customize the results page to display the visual of the selected product or service, its name and a redirect URL to its detailed page on your site.

This personalization is key to guaranteeing an optimal user experience. Personalizing the results page provides visibility for your products and services, while driving traffic to them and encouraging purchase. How do you collect customer data? The Gift Finder allows you to qualify your users by asking them to select several criteria, giving you a better understanding of their preferences.

By using Gift Finder, you can offer your customers and prospects a personalized user experience. You make it quick and easy for them to find the products and services that best match their needs and preferences. What’s more, by displaying relevant products or services, you increase the chances of conversion and customer loyalty.

In conclusion, the Gift Finder is an effective tool for improving the visibility of your products and services while qualifying your users and offering them a personalized user experience. By using this tool, you can drive traffic to your products and services, increase the chances of conversion and improve customer satisfaction.

Gift finder parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Fill in all fields before validating
  • Contents: parameters and award conditions

Customize appearance :

  • Category background color
  • Show scroll icon
  • Drop-down list spacing
  • Background/text hover color
Discover how to create a Gift finder in Adictiz.

Examples of Gift Finder campaigns

Gift finder green light
Gift finder cyrillus
Gift finder guerin

More than 200 brands trust us

Discover how to collect customer data with a playful mechanism