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Find the hidden object in the Shuffler game !

Try to find the object to win a prize in this game adapted to your brand image.

The Shuffler’s mechanic is inspired by the famous game of Bonneteau, where the user has to focus on an object hidden under one of the 3 upside-down cups. In this game, the 3 cups are customized to match your brand universe, and the mixing is done in front of the player’s eyes. The player must then find the hidden object to win the game. Numerous personalization parameters are available to customize the mechanics and make them your own.

It’s the perfect way to achieve your visibility and branding objectives, as well as boosting your recruitment. The game is a great way to showcase your brand or products.

Here, adapted as an instant win, a prize is available the moment a user accesses the Shuffler game. All users have to do is follow the gain hidden beneath one of the images with their eyes, and find it! Bonneteau is a game that’s both fun and engaging.

Instant winner guide

Customizable shuffler parameters :

  • Number of entries (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Game mode (cup, box or door)
  • Uniqueness of winners (the number of prizes that can be won by a single user)
  • Results page

Customize appearance :

  • The visual of the hidden object
  • The visual of the cover (door, box or cup)
  • The visual of the container
Discover how to create a Shuffler game in Adictiz.

Examples of Shuffler campaigns

shuffler yop game
Shuffler game Président
Shuffler game Mc Donalds

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In the Piñata game, you have to hit hard!

Invite your community to crack the Piñata by tapping on it

Pinata game mechanics are an entertaining and original option for offering your users a fun experience while meeting your marketing objectives. Inspired by the traditional Latin American game, Pinata is an instant-win game that allows participants to win a prize by tapping on a personalized object until they find out if they’ve won.

The Pinata module can be fully customized with your brand’s colors and images to reinforce your visual identity. Users are invited to fill in a form before playing and give a predefined number of moves to discover the result.

The module’s many customization options allow you to create a complete immersion in your brand universe, with animations and sound effects that add to the excitement and emotion of winning. What’s more, the Pinata module can be used to promote specific products or special offers, hiding information behind the object and encouraging users to interact with your brand to discover what’s hidden inside.

Playful interaction with Pinata also encourages user engagement, offering a fun and stimulating experience that can be shared with friends on social networks. With its many customization options and sharing features, Pinata is an ideal way to stimulate user participation and increase your brand’s visibility online.

Hunt for leads with an instant win for Easter

Piñata settings to customize :

  • Number of entries : define the number of entries per day, week, month or campaign and per user.
  • Uniqueness of winners : allows you to choose the number of prizes that can potentially be won by the same user.
  • Results pages
  • Number of strokes
  • Shot types : click, hover, click and hover
  • Rope position : at the top, across the screen or without rope

Customize appearance :

  • Personalize the Pinata visuals
  • Game background visual
  • Visual cursor
  • Display the visuals of the prize if a winner
  • Losing visual
  • Shaking intensity
  • Particle type
  • Rope type

Discover how to create a Piñata game in Adictiz.

Examples of Pinata game campaigns

pinata game customer example adictiz danao
pinata game customer example adictiz delsey
pinata game customer example adictiz mcdo

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Check’in, geolocation for games

Suggest to your customers that they visit a point of sale to access the game.

The Check-in mechanic is an innovative and effective way to promote your brand while creating engagement with your audience. It enables participants to travel to predefined locations via a geolocation service, in order to take part in an exclusive in-store game. It’s also possible to create a“Treasure Hunt” campaign where each confirmed location leads to another location, right up to the final location. Or provide information on specific locations or test your knowledge.

Check-in is therefore an excellent way of driving in-store traffic by offering your customers a unique experience. In addition to this, it also engages your audience by creating a playful experience around your brand universe. It’s an opportunity for you to reinforce your brand image by offering exclusive games and rewards for participants. Participants will be encouraged to explore different points of sale to find clues and solve puzzles, offering your customers an immersive experience.

Using Check-in to create “Treasure Hunt” campaigns is an excellent way of involving participants in a multi-level game. Each confirmed location takes them to another, creating suspense and growing excitement. Finally, the final location can be associated with a reward, creating a sense of satisfaction for participants.

What’s more, Check-in can also be combined with a Quiz to test participants’ knowledge of specific locations. This can be a way of boosting engagement and providing an educational experience for your customers. Using this feature, you can also provide information on products associated with specific locations visited, creating cross-selling opportunities.

Check’in parameters (geolocation) to be customized :

  • Default zoom
  • Range (in meters)
  • Activate displacement
  • Activate zoom
  • Display controls

Customize appearance :

  • Visual background
  • Visual marker on map
Discover how to create a Check’in in Adictiz.

More than 200 brands trust us

Test the geolocation system for your gaming campaigns

Buy and play

Buy and play

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Buy and play, a post-purchase game

Upload your proof of purchase to access an instant win where you’ll discover a scratch card game with instant results.

Buy and play is an upload module. Participants must attest to the completion of an action (e.g. having made a purchase in a store) by importing an image(JPG/PNG, GIF, SVG) or a document(PDF).

They can certify :

  • Purchase via receipt upload
  • Object ownership by means of a photo of the object concerned
  • Locate the user at a precise point by uploading a photo of him or her in the expected situation.
  • The discovery of a clue hidden in a store by uploading a photo of the clue.

The buy-and-play game can be linked to a number of mechanisms(instant win, score game, prize draw, etc.), which become accessible thanks to the proof of purchase.

This is a particularly effective mechanism if you want to meet “Drive-to-Store” or “Drive-to-Web” objectives.

Buy and play parameters or post-purchase proof to be customized :

  • Limited participation: number of entries per day, week, month, campaign, users
  • Protected page: access requires proof of purchase
  • Upload button
  • Properties of proof of purchase

Customize appearance :

  • Upload button
  • Validation button
  • Visual background
Discover how to create a Buy and Play in Adictiz.

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Personality test

Personality test

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The Personality Test, to get to know yourself better

Ask one or more questions to determine which profile your audience will match

The Personality Test is a must-have feature for any marketing campaign wishing to collect relevant data on prospects and customers.
Thanks to this mechanic, you can qualify your users while offering them a fun gaming experience to discover their personal profile.

By using this game mechanic, you can direct your customers towards the products that best meet their needs, and thus increase their interest in buying.
What’s more, it allows you to reinforce the qualification of your prospects and customers, without the need to use conventional forms.

Users will have to answer several questions to discover the profile that best suits them.
You can also personalize the profiles to present your products and services best suited to each profile’s affinities.

The Personality Test is an all-in-one solution for interacting with your audience and gathering relevant data about your customers.
This game mechanic enables you to increase your users’ engagement by maximizing their time spent on your campaign and the number of games played.
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about your customers and offer a fun, personalized gaming experience.

Personality Test parameters to customize :

  • Limited participation: define whether users will be able to play unlimited games on your campaign
  • Edit profiles
  • Display results page: results only or results by profile

Customize appearance :

  • Background image
  • Background color

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