Memory | Sowee

Memory | Sowee

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Sowee uses memory to showcase its benefits

A mechanism that encourages brand recall

Interstitial format

This format generally appears at natural transitions in an application, between activities or game levels.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

The wide angle or half-page

This is a very popular playable ads format, thanks to its impactful, uniform size.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Explore the Playable Ads campaign for Sowee, the innovative energy supplier, a subsidiary of EDF. And immerse yourself in a fun interactive experience with a fully customisable memory game. This innovative campaign invites participants to find identical pairs of cards within a given time, giving them access to exclusive promotional offers and a visit to the company’s website.

Sowee is committed to saving energy without compromising comfort, values reflected in the vignettes of the Memory mechanic. The game allows for greater retention than non-interactive ads, offering deeper immersion in the benefits offered by Sowee.

Like the game Memory, Sowee offers total flexibility by adapting to individual energy needs. Finding pairs of cards becomes a visual metaphor for discovering the perfect combination for saving energy while maintaining optimum comfort levels.

One of the major advantages of playable advertising is its appeal. The playfulness of this specific advertising insert makes it possible to bypass the phenomenon of ‘banner blindness’, offering users an engaging and memorable visual experience.

By choosing the mechanics of a memory game for its Playable Ads campaign, Sowee is demonstrating not only its commitment to innovation, but also its desire to offer an interactive advertising experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Discover how Sowee turns energy saving into a fun and accessible adventure, while preserving your comfort.

Half-page playable Ads

Interstitials, a format compatible with a wide variety of creations

This format generally appears at natural transitions in an application, between activities or game levels.

Half-page playable Ads

The wide angle or half-page

This is a very popular playable ads format, thanks to its impactful, uniform size.

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Outrun | Sowe

Outrun | Sowe

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Sowee promotes a service with an arcade game

Outrun maximises audience exposure to a brand universe

Interstitial format

This format generally appears at natural transitions in an application, between activities or game levels.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

The wide angle or half-page

This is a very popular playable ads format, thanks to its impactful, uniform size.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Sowee, the energy supplier and subsidiary of EDF, has chosen an innovative approach to promote its removals service by opting for a playable advertising campaign. This strategic decision is part of a desire to stand out in a saturated advertising world, by avoiding the ‘banner blindness’ trap that is increasingly affecting consumers.

The Sowee playable, through the Outrun mechanic, offers the brand a unique opportunity to create an interactive and memorable brand experience. By adopting this form of advertising, Sowee is breaking away from traditional static ads, which often go unnoticed due to visual saturation.

By choosing Outrun as the setting for its campaign, Sowee is capitalising on the engaging nature of the arcade game. And capture the attention of its audience in a fun way. The aim is to create an immersive experience, where users actively interact with the brand while exploring the features of the removals service.

By highlighting its removals service through a playable campaign, Sowee generates attention, engagement and curiosity among its target audience. This creative approach allows Sowee to stand out from the crowd.

Half-page playable Ads

Interstitials, a format compatible with a wide variety of creations

This format generally appears at natural transitions in an application, between activities or game levels.

Half-page playable Ads

The wide angle or half-page

This is a very popular playable ads format, thanks to its impactful, uniform size.

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A single platform for achieving your marketing objectives and collecting exclusive data