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Sports predictions, who’s going to win?

Predict the next matches and pick the winner (can be used for all sports).

Pronostic’s mechanics are highly reputed in the world of sports, especially soccer. It allows users to make predictions about the outcome of an event, such as a soccer or rugby match. Fully customizable, this game will fit in perfectly with your brand universe and help you stand out from the crowd at these major sporting events.

This game will help you achieve your visibility and engagement objectives, thanks to its high recency potential for your players. Players will be able to return regularly to forecast daily events, half-time or end-of-match scores, and follow their progress in a ranking – a highly addictive mechanic!

The emulation provoked by this mechanism among your audience at the unveiling of the results will encourage the engagement of your prospects & customers. Who hasn’t tried betting on a match to win some money or a present? Ideal for events such as the Football World Cup or the Rugby World Cup.

Customizable prediction game settings :

  • Number of entries (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Mode (3 modes available: beginner, advanced or expert)
  • Edit scores (modify predictions as long as the match hasn’t started)
  • Points display

Customize appearance :

  • Player configuration
  • Match setup

Examples of sports prediction game campaigns

Unkut Prediction Game
Orange Prediction Game
Peugeot Prediction Game

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The Quiz, to test your audience’s knowledge

Answer one or more open-ended or multiple-choice questions to score maximum points.

The Quiz mechanic invites users to answer one or more questions. The configuration options offered by this mode allow you to customize your quiz course to suit your objectives and audience. You can, for example, propose a new question every day, require a correct answer to access a winning instant, require a minimum number of points to win, propose several questions on the same page, highlight correct answers and add educational explanations to enhance the user experience.

Creating a quiz is also a very effective way of generating traffic to your site. By adding a “hint” button below the question, you can direct users to a page on your site that reveals the expected answer. In this way, users who want to win will be encouraged to visit your site, increasing traffic to your page.

Finally, the Quiz is a great way to engage your audience and create interaction with your community. By proposing interesting questions and offering attractive rewards, you can pique users’ interest and encourage them to share your quiz with their friends and network. By collecting additional data on your prospects and customers, you can also improve your knowledge of your audience and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly.

Quiz settings to customize :

  • Limited participation
  • Game mode
  • Add a stopwatch
  • First question
  • Result page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual background
Discover how to create a Quiz in Adictiz.

Examples of Quiz campaigns

Lidl quiz game
Cookeo quiz game
pinata game customer example adictiz mcdo

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Price is Right

Price is Right

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Price is Right, guess the price and win !

Answer a question whose answer is a number in this Price is Right game. Hot/cold” indices can be activated

Price is Right mechanics

The Price is Right mechanic is an ideal game to encourage users to interact with your brand by offering an attractive prize as a reward. The Price is Right principle consists in getting your users to guess the exact price of a product so that they can win the prize at stake.

To create your campaign, all you have to do is select the product you wish to promote. You can add a photo or video of the product in question to help users better understand what they can earn. Next, you need to set a maximum and minimum price for the product. Users will be asked to enter their estimated price, and the winner will be the one who gives the closest answer to the actual price without exceeding it.

A simple mechanism, but one that can prove highly effective in creating engagement around your brand and products. You can use it to promote a specific product, build audience loyalty or attract new customers.

The Price is Right game can be customized to suit your needs. You can, for example, add a timer so that users have a limited time to give their estimate, or offer participation bonuses to those who share your campaign on social networks.

Customize parameters :

  • Number of entries
  • Answer
  • Limited testing
  • Stopwatch
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Font type, size and color
  • Field background color
  • Size and color of response field borders
Discover how to create a Price is Right in Adictiz.

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With Trivia, it’s time for the questions

Recompose a visual to score as many points as possible

Trivia is an interesting option for companies wishing to engage their audience while promoting their brand and products.
By personalizing the questions, companies can showcase their products in a fun and interactive way.
Personalization options are numerous, from choosing the frequency of participation to customizing the page already played.
Companies can even choose to personalize the game in “Blindtest” mode, which is ideal for testing their audience’s musical knowledge.

To make the game more engaging, features such asrandom question display, error allowance, correct answer display, stopwatch and progress bar display can be activated according to user preferences.

In addition, the number of questions can be limited for a given game, allowing users to complete the game in a reasonable time.
Choose to activate combos, which help highlight the user’s best answer sequences.

Once the game is over, users can find out whether they’ve won or lost.
It’s recommended not to limit participation, as this allows users to replay as many times as they like, which can help increase engagement.
Trivia is a great way for brands to connect with their audience, promote their brand and entertain their audience in a fun and interactive way.

Trivia settings to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Random display of questions
  • Allow errors
  • Show correct answers
  • Limit the number of questions
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Show replay button
  • Show progress bar
  • Activate combos
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Font size, location and color
  • Visual of the box background

Discover how to create a Trivia game in Adictiz.

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Blind test, open your ears!

Listen to the music and select the correct answer.
Any wrong answer will take you back to square one.

The Blind Test mechanic is very popular and well known to your audiences.
This game, derived from the Quiz, allows you to ask questions at random, with different questions being asked each day.

Customize the questions and visuals of the online blind test game to showcase your brand, products and services.

Ideal for testing your audience’s musical knowledge, the blind test is a playful mechanism that will help you achieve youranimation and database qualification objectives.
Challenge your audience to this highly engaging, shareable cult game.
How well do they really know your brand or brand universe?
Let’s find out!

Customizable online blind test game settings :

  • Number of entries (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Random display of questions
  • Error clearance
  • Display of correct answers
  • Limiting the number of questions
  • Stopwatch activation
  • Replay button display
  • Progress bar display
  • Activating combos
  • Displaying the results page

Customize appearance :

  • The visual background
  • Font size or color
  • Font location

Discover how to create a blind test in Adictiz.

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