Engaging audiences at Christmas through gamification

Engaging audiences at Christmas through gamification

Christmas is undoubtedly one of the most important times in your marketing calendar. But it’s also a time when consumers are bombarded with advertising messages. Why not take advantage of this by offering Christmas competitions to your audience?

Gamified marketing is a highly effective way of setting yourself apart from the competition and achieving your objectives.

Find out how gamification can maximise your brand’s visibility and your audience’s engagement during the festive season. We also share some original ideas for competitions to set up, depending on your audience and your objectives.

What do we mean by gamification?

Let’s start with a quick reminder

Gamification is a marketing strategy that involves incorporating animations and/or games into traditional marketing campaigns (email, display, website, etc.). The aim is to boost the engagement of your audience your business objectives (such as increasing your sales, for example).

Let’s take an example. At Christmas, gamification generally takes the form of an interactive advent calendar. Every day, from.1 to 25 December, participants discover a new box behind wihich a mini-game is hidden, giving them the chance to win a gift.

It’s an excellent way of captivating your audience throughout December. But it’s also a great way to vary the fun activities by inviting your prospects to spin a Wheel of Fortune, take part in a Christmas Quiz or win an instant prize.

Why create a Christmas competition?

Because of the various formats and contexts in which you can set up a marketing game, gamification offers many advantages to your brand. But the main benefits you can reap are:

  • Capture the attention of your prospects and boost your visibility. La gamification est en effet un excellent moyen de se démarquer de la concurrence. D’autant plus lors de temps forts comme Noël, le Black Friday, etc.
  • Engage your audience. The fun aspect and the possibility to win a reward encourage users to interact with your brand.
  • Incease your conversion rate. Providing free prizes or toher benefits can encourage your prospects o buy more from your brand. As well as bringing them to your site, you can offer them a promotion to trigger a purchase.
  • Collect and activate customer data. The marketing game is also an excellent way of collecting first-party data. You can then use it to refine your marketing strategy, adapt your offer to your customer’s expectations, etc.
Christmas competition

Christmas games ideas to engage your audience

Gamification is a simple and effective way of achieving your sales objectives in the run-up to Christmas. But what format should you choose? If you’re short of ideas for Christmas competitions, here are a few examples to inspire you.

1. Create a digital advent calendar for Christmas

The most popular Christmas device is undoubtedly the virtual Advent Calendar. This digital version of the traditional calendar allows you to immerse your audience in the world of your brand by creating a reccuring appointment from the first to the 25th of December.

Every day, participants discover a new game and can win prizzes (material or otherwie). In exchange, all they have to do is fill in a form on your site.

Brands that have opted for this marketing strategy and created an online Advent calendar game are gaining in visibility and boosting their conversion rate.

Click here for more advent calendar ideas.

2. The survey

The Christmas survey is a Christmas competition based on the classic survey. You ask your customers to answer a series of questions or give their opinion. Each participant can win points or advantages on your online shop. The best answer, for example, will be rewarded with an exclusive price.

This format is an excellent way of engaging your audience and gathering feedback about your brand. You can ask thel what they would like you to improve, etc. This data is a real goldmine for refining you marketing strategy and your offering.

3. Christmas competition

Another ultra-interactive feature you can offer your audience at Christmas is a competition. It’s an excellent way of stimulating the creativity of your community and generate UGC (user-generated content).This content is valuable for your brand because 97% of buyers under the age of 30 say that content by other consumers influences their purchasing decisions.

For example, you could launch a Photo Contest and invite your subscribers to post photos with your Christmas-themed products. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to get your teams involved to create an even stronger bond with your audience and share with them what goes on behind the scenes at your company.

4. Instant Win

Instant wins are Christmas competitions that are easy to set up. It’s also highly engaging, as participant know instantly if they’ve won a prize.

You can integrate them directly into your e-commerce site, but also via your marketing emails or social networks. The one-amed bandit, the wheel of fortune or a Flip and Win mechanism are excellent examples of instant prizes to engage your audience.

our tips to maximise the impact of your Christmas games

Now all you have to do is launch your Christmas competition. To maximise its impact, remember to follow these best practices:

  • Launch your competition at the beginning of the month : get ahead of the game to grab your audience’s attention as early as possible. But also to ensure that your gifts arrive before Christmas;
  • Optimise the distribution of your Advent calendar. Utilisez tous vos canaux de communication pour amplifier l’impact de votre jeu concours. Mobilisez vos réseaux sociaux, mais relayez également votre campagne via votre newsletter, votre site web, en magasin (via un QR code) ou en vous associant à des influenceurs ;
  • Choosing the right rewards : be relevant in your choice of prizes. And be generous to encourage your audience to take part (for example, by offering delivery costs to the losers on the final page).
  • Think retargeting: increase audience retention by sending instant, personalised emails to participants to build loyalty.

Launching Christmas competitions is therefore a powerful marketing strategy for engaging your audience, generating leads, collecting qualified data and boosting your sales. To create your own interactive Christmas game and gain a significant competitive advantage during this busy period, discover our gamification platform.

Influencer marketing campaign: the example of Celio

Influencer marketing campaign: the example of Celio

It cannot be repeated often enough: social networks have completely transformed the way brands communicate. Influencer marketing is adapting to these new codes and is now focusing on levers such as gamification, interactivity and influence.

The brands that come out on top are those that take advantage of these levers to create highly engaging campaigns. This is particularly true of Celio, the men’s ready-to-wear brand.

In the run-up to Father’s Day 2023, Celio has organised a campaign which combines all the ingredients we’ve just mentioned. La caisse des Pères combines gamification, interactivity and influencer marketing in collaboration with content creator GMK.

Launched via our gamified marketing platform, this article takes you behind the scenes of an example of an original and effective competition. You’ll also find some best practices for launching your own marketing campaign.

La caisse des Pères: a perfect example of an influencer marketing campaign

To celebrate Father’s Day and promote its collection of t-shirts created for the occasion, Célio opted for a marketing game. The principle was simple: participants had to :

For the version of the competition on the Celio website (and not on social networks), participants had to fill in a form.. In-store, the brand’s customers could simply scan a QR code to go straight to the entry form.

influencer marketing game competition campaign

The prize for this no-obligation competition is a second-hand (77,990km) 2017 Audi RS6 avant performance 605, registered in France and with a street value of €81,900.

And the results are in: in just 3 days, 780,000 people signed up for the competition and Celio’s Instagram account registered over 800,000 new followers! It’s an excellent example of an original marketing campaign that results in an unprecedented boost in visibility and engagement!

Marketing game mechanisms to borrow from Celio

If Celio’s competition has had such a huge impact, it’s not just because the brand is serious about Father’s Day and has pulled out all the stops for the occasion, as it explains in its press release.

Above all, it’s because it has a good understanding of gamification mechanisms to apply to your marketing campaign. you can take inspiration from this by following the best practices that have been applied for this marketing game.

Choosing the right prize

The success of a competition depends above all on the appeal of the prize. In the case of Celio, the brand had put a car up for grabs, presented as every father’s dream car. Valued at over €80,000, the prize is very tempting indeed.

What’s more, to maximise the impact of its marketing campaign, the brand teamed up with an influencer specialising in sports cars. The community that was redirected to Celio’s competition was obviously very interested in the chance to win an Audi.

Simple (for participants) and effective (for the brand) participation conditions

As mentioned above, the Celio competition was open to everyone, with no obligation to buy. So you didn’t have to buy anything from the brand to win the car. Celio is thus considerably widening its audience and proving its generosity (since in exchange for such a gift, it expects nothing more than a little strength on the networks or the sharing of personal data).

In addition to its marketing campaign on Instagram, Celio also ran its competition on its website via a simple form to fill in. This was an effective strategy, as it was easier for the brand to implement, while at the same time allowing it to naturally redirect participants to its site (and thus encourage them to place an order on its online shop).

So it kills two birds with one stone and collects more :

  • visibility and engagement on its social networks;
  • traffic to your website and therefore potential sales in your shop.

A multi-channel competition for even greater impact

In addition to the very accessible participation conditions, Celio succeeded in multiplying the impact of its marketing campaign by launching it across several channels. Audiences could participate via social networks, directly on the brand’s website, and also in-store by scanning a QR code to access the form.

This multi-channel strategy makes it possible to reach a larger number of potential participants. It also helps you to achieve a number of different objectives: gather data on your target audience, boost sales, increase your profile on social networks and expand your audience.

Influencer marketing: an effective lever for your marketing games?

The great strength of Celio’s original competition was also its partnership with an influencer. As already mentioned, GMK is a particularly good choice because its community is naturally interested in the prize, and therefore more likely to take part.

But above all, with almost 4 million followers on Instagram, Celio is considerably increasing the reach of its marketing campaign among an audience of young men who are a good match for its buyer persona.

The partnership with GMK was not limited to announcing the marketing game, as the influencer regularly posted updates on the random drawing and the discovery of the car by the winner and his father. Celio has perfectly understood how to maximise the impact of influencer marketing.

influencer marketing

The brand is banking on a privileged, long-term partnership with the content creator. And she’s taking advantage of GMK’s publications to tease a new competition in the near future to win another car!

Want to launch your own gamified marketing campaign? Discover our solutions for creating a marketing campaign as powerful as Celio’s.

4 AdTech trends to incorporate into your marketing strategy

4 AdTech trends to incorporate into your marketing strategy

The way we communicate online is constantly evolving, notably with the use of AdTech. This applies to individuals and for brands, which need to adapt to new marketing channels and strategies to stay one step ahead of their competitors.

In the space of just a few years, we’ve moved on from ultra-scripted television advertising inserts to native marketing campaigns on social networks, created and driven by consumers. Brands are adopting an authentic and engaging approach to communication, relying on levers such as marketing games, challenges on social networks and UGC.

These marketing strategies are based on the use of new advertising technologies, also known as AdTech. What are the key trends for optimising the way your company communicates with its audience? And how can you incorporate them into your marketing calendar? We’ll answer all your questions!

What is AdTech?

Adtech refers to a range of technologies and solutions that enable your brand to create and deliver advertising campaigns. These may be software or SaaS platforms offering different functionalities. Or more targeted tools that focus on personalising, targeting or monitoring your digital advertising.

A very good example of AdTech is the header bidding system. This is a computer programme that manages bids and sets the fairest price between the advertising network (e.g. Google or TikTok) and the advertiser (e.g. your brand).

4 AdTech trends to be aware of in 2023

The world of AdTech is evolving at breakneck speed. To boost your brand’s visibility and maximise its acquisition rate, it’s crucial to keep an eye on the new advertising technologies you can incorporate into your strategy.

Here are the key trends to watch in 2023:

Advertising programming

Programmatic advertising involves automating the buying and selling of advertising space across a wide range of distribution channels. But also for a wide choice of display formats (including responsive display ads, which adapt to the user’s device).

This technology enables your company to allocate its budget effectively and ensure that its campaigns achieve the expected results (number of clicks, conversion rate, etc.).

Display advertising is set to continue growing strongly over the next few years. In 2019, over 86% of display ad spend was programmed. This percentage will rise to over 91% by 2023.

Artificial Intelligence and AdTech

AI is playing an increasingly important role in the AdTech sector. It makes it possible to optimise segmentation, refine targeting and personalise your message according to the behaviour of each consumer.

Netflix, for example, uses artificial intelligence to automatically determine which of several thumbnail selections is most likely to encourage users to watch a film or series.

Mobile-first advertising solutions

Advertisers are increasingly recognising the importance of meeting the needs of consumers who primarily use their mobiles to connect to the Internet. AD Tech companies are therefore developing mobile-specific formats and strategies, including in-app advertising.

The gamification boom in AdTech

AdTech is increasingly linked to online gaming. This connection is happening at every level. There is a real boom in native advertising in games, particularly in free game applications. Users are invited to view an ad before they can start or continue their game. This practice is becoming increasingly popular, especially for applications that are partners of the Twitch streaming platform.

At the same time, advertising is incorporating a gamification dynamic. As consumers are exposed to more than 1,200 advertisements every day, they have developed a form of banner blindness (i.e. ignoring the information shared in traditional advertising banners).

To win the battle for attention, brands have had to invent new, more entertaining formats. This is the context in which Playable Ads have emerged. These interactive display formats are ideal for increasing the visibility of campaigns, boosting advertising performance and raising brand awareness.

In practical terms, a playable ad is a mini-game that runs for a few seconds. This format has become so popular that it is no longer confined to game applications, but is also used by generalist brands. They can capture the attention and engage their prospects through a marketing game.

The benefits of Playable Ads for your brand

Playable ads advertising format offers your brand a number of advantages. Firstly to capture the attention and boost the acquisition of your targets by offering them unique and entertaining content.

In the world of gaming, playable advertising is a bit like the interactive trailer for your mobile application. But for a brand in another sector, such as beauty, telecoms or sport, this gamified format is an extension of your game marketing strategy.

Your playable ad allows you to promote a new product or service by letting players discover it in an immersive virtual environment.

Playables ads help you to achieve several objectives:

  • Brand awareness: by raising awareness of your offer and demonstrating its added value;
  • Engagement: by encouraging users to interact with your brand. Playable ads attract 47% more attention than traditional video ads.
  • Conversion: by boosting traffic to your application or website.
  • Qualification: by gathering insights that will enable you to capitalise on consumer preferences.

Examples of interactive and playable displays

When it comes to gamification scenarios, you’re spoilt for choice. Memory, Battle, Swiper or Rattrape-Tout. Your brand can draw inspiration from different game mechanisms depending on the product to be promoted and its target audience.

Annonces jouables memory red sfr

To give you an example of a promotional campaign in the form of Playable ads, RED by SFR recently used the Memory game mechanic to present its range of packages. The interactive format makes the advertising more engaging. But the very nature of the game also encourages better retention of the information presented (and in particular the value delivered by the company).


The new advertising technologies (or AdTech) enable your brand to meet its key marketing challenges and stand out from the competition. Your ability to create unique interactive experiences will be a powerful lever for attracting and converting new customers, as well as gathering and activating valuable insights into your market. Discover our turnkey solutions for creating your Playable ads or opt for customised support for your next campaigns.

Live Shopping et gamification : boostez vos performances marketing !

Live Shopping et gamification : boostez vos performances marketing !

Live shopping has really taken off over the last two years, and the popularity of the practice continues unabated. It has become commonplace for brands to go live to showcase products and generate sales.

But this sales channel can be optimised to meet more than one objective. By introducing gamification before and after the live event, brands and chains can engage consumers, collect preferential data and generate qualified leads. Let’s take a look together at the benefits of this Swiss Army knife, which you can incorporate into your marketing strategy straight away.

The reinvention of live shopping

The figures don’t lie: live shopping is an enduring trend in our consumer habits.

But what exactly is live shopping? Live shopping is a way of buying products during the broadcast of a live video, through an influencer or a brand.

According to a McKinsey study, this practice is becoming increasingly popular, and will account for up to 20% of e-commerce by 2026.

According to a McKinsey study, this practice is becoming increasingly popular, and will account for up to 20% of e-commerce by 2026.

online sales

Gamification and live shopping: the sales promotion duo

To build customer loyalty, it’s essential to understand their needs and expectations. To do this, you can use different tools such as data analysis, focus groups or feedback.

Surveys and e-mailing are also powerful tools in the quest for customer loyalty. By gathering information, you can improve your product or service offering by proposing solutions that are better adapted to your customers’ needs.

Online sales and commitment

Take surveys, for example. By questioning customers directly, valuable information can be gathered and then used by brands and chains.

The questionnaires can be distributed via different channels, such as e-mail campaigns, on the merchant’s website or on social networks. Customers then log in to their account to take part in the survey.

Once the responses have been collected, companies can analyse them to identify trends and customer preferences. On the basis of this information, product or service offers can be tailored to better meet the needs of their customers, and thus improve customer loyalty.

Live shopping: a tool for getting to know your customers

As well as analysing in-store behaviour, live shopping also makes it possible to observe trends that are popular with consumers. Through chat or surveys, it is possible to gather information that can then be activated.

With a post live game, ask participants for their opinions and collect qualified data. An email campaign including promotional offers will boost conversion.

Lead recruitment guide

Generate live leads

Live shopping allows you to talk to potential customers, but not to identify them! Although social networks can provide valuable information about participants, that’s where the data collection stops. In order to be RGPD compliant, it is essential that users voluntarily provide their data. Gamification is the ideal way of collecting first-party data.

Live Shopping figures

How do you set up a gamification campaign for Live Shopping?

To be effective, your Live Shopping site must meet a number of criteria:

  • Benefit from a large audience and qualified subscribers with an affinity for the brand. They will be responsive to product demonstrations to ensure a good conversion rate

  • Be engaging and interactive to capture this audience from the beginning to the end of the Live Shopping session

Preparing for Live Shopping

Before the live event: collect qualified registrants who have an affinity with your brand thanks to a very simple game that allows users to register for a random drawing that will take place during the Live Shopping event.

Coupled with a social gauge, this system will ensure a high level of virality to boost Live registrations. The social gauge is a widget that gives participants extra chances in the random drawing every time one of their friends signs up.

Capturing attention during the live show

During the live event: engage to maximise attention and encourage memorisation. Offer live participants the chance to take part in an interactive game displayed directly on the live window. This type of feature allows instant-win discount offers to be won and encourages conversion.

Online advertising

Boost your online sales after the live show

After the live event: activate participants with targeted content to boost conversion. Invite live participants to take part in an exclusive game and distribute discount offers to trigger purchases. An opinion game mechanism can also help you detect purchase intentions and get to know your audience better so you can segment your CRM base.


Live Shopping combined with marketing games offers huge potential for brands and retailers looking to boost their engagement and conversion rates.

By offering consumers an interactive and entertaining experience, brands can create deeper emotional bonds, promote their products interactively, identify qualified prospects and boost sales. So don’t miss out on this new channel, which is increasingly becoming a sales channel in its own right.

Now it’s your turn!

6 ideas for interactive and engaging marketing campaigns

6 ideas for interactive and engaging marketing campaigns

Engaging marketing campaigns are essential on today’s marketing landscape, as they enable you to stand out from the crowd by grabbing people’s attention.

By encouraging interaction and two-way communication (brand-consumer), the chances of increasing memorability of a marketing or advertising campaign are higher. This type of fun experience also fosters a more lasting and solid relationship.

Moreover, interactive marketing campaigns have strong viral potential (on social network in particular). Enthusiastic participants are more likely to share the campaign with others, helping the brand’s message to spread quickly.

Let’s take a look at 6 ideas for engaging marketing campaigns that enable brands to better connect with their target audiences.

Get to know your customers better through surveys

Survey campaigns play a central role in engagement marketing, serving a number of purposes:

  • Data collection: a survey is used to gather precise information about consumer preferences, needs and opinions. This enables strategic marketing and sales decisions to be made.
  • Sustainable commitment: audiences feel listened to and involved in the brand’s decision-making process. This strengthens their loyalty over the long term.
  • Content generator: it can be reused in articles, infographics, videos, etc. This content enriches the brand’s communication and enables it to continue to engage its audience in a relevant way.

Survey marketing campaigns offer a participative approach to better understand consumer needs, personalise offers and build a relationship of trust with brand audiences.

survey engaging marketing campaigns

Discover your brand with a quiz

The quizzes are essential elements of interactive and engaging marketing. Indeed, we have all encountered this mechanism at some point in our lives as Internet users and/or consumers. But what are the real benefits?

  • Interactivity: Quizzes are simply fun. They encourage participants to get actively involved and keep their attention on a web page.
  • Collection of qualified leads: by requesting personal information via the form, the operation builds up a database of qualified leads. This data is valuable for future targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Education: Quizzes can be used to educate the public on a specific subject related to the brand or product offering. In this way, they can demonstrate the benefits of a product and promote a positive perception of the product as an authority in the field.


Lead recruitment guide

Working on your image with UGC campaigns

UGC campaigns (User Generated Content) are one of the most engaging concepts in marketing. On the one hand, they enable the brand to develop solid relationships with its customers. On the other hand, they help to reinforce credibility and raise its profile by leveraging user-generated content.

In fact, the participants in the operation post varied, creative and unique content (videos, testimonials, photos) for a set period of time on the brand’s website and/or social networks. This content is then made available to the brand. In this way, it enhances the brand’s online presence. This content is considered authentic and therefore reliable, because it is produced by consumers themselves, which reinforces trust.

However, this type of operation is not suitable for all audiences. The highly engaging nature of these campaigns requires audiences to be sufficiently responsive. Here’s an example of a selfie competition with McDonald’s:

Make your ads more visible with playable Ads

Playable Ads are becoming increasingly common in programmatic marketing. Did you know? The number of ads, their lack of relevance and their intrusiveness are the three main reasons for using a blocking tool (VPN Mentor, 2019). This type of display format achieves several key objectives:

  • The product is highlighted : the immersive experience offered by playable Ads allows users to discover a product in a fun and entertaining way. This approach stimulates attention, which increases the chances of arousing users’ interest and converting them into potential customers.

Here’s an example of a playable ad that can be used to quickly survey an audience while presenting a range of products in a display banner:

engaging marketing campaigns

Personalise the shopping experience with a shopping list

A Shopping List Campaign consists of offering users a list of recommended products based on their preferences and purchasing habits. The advantages of this type of marketing competition are :

  • Personalisation of the shopping experience: more relevant thanks to the collection of behavioural data.
  • Maximising conversions: instead of searching through thousands of products, users are given a selection that matches their expectations. This makes it easier for them to make decisions and encourage them to make purchases, including impulse purchases. Sending promo codes by email after participation amplifies the phenomenon.

In short, marketing campaigns such as Shopping List or Gift Finder make it possible to offer an original and personalised shopping experience, helping to build long-term customer loyalty.

Gift finder guerin

Boost engagement with puzzle or score-based games

Marketing competitions that focus on reflection offer unlimited potential for personalisation for the brands that offer them. They are a powerful tool for spending time with your audience to encourage engagement and interactivity. The advantages of this type of operations are :

  • Involvement of participants to solve a problem or participate creatively. By challenging them intellectually, these games encourage players to invest time and effort in the brand experience.
  • The potential for enthusiasm among participants: the competitive aspect and the possibility of winning attractive prizes create a sense of motivation and attract new participants when the game is shared. This helps to increase brand visibility.

To measure the effectiveness of these competitions, it is advisable to monitor key performance indicators such as the time spent on the game, the number of games played, the score obtained, etc. These metrics provide valuable information about participant engagement and enable the success of the campaign to be assessed.

memory eram


Engaging interactive marketing campaigns are a major asset for brands wishing to engage their audiences in an original way.

These different interactive formats have the advantage of catching the eye and staying in people’s minds. They also respond to a large number of marketing issues facing brands today, such as advertising saturation, the collection of first-party data, building loyalty, etc.

A tool like Adictiz can be used to create captivating interactive experiences to engage audiences, collect and activate data. Finally, a wide range of formats tailored to each objective is available on an innovative and comprehensive platform.

Want to find out how to engage your audience using interactive formats?

10 reasons to launch marketing competitions

10 reasons to launch marketing competitions

Marketing competitions are an essential part of the panoply of advertising levers available to brands. Above all, this type of animation creates new opportunities to interact with audiences.

From the simplest scenario to the most immersive and entertaining, these interactive marketing experiences can provoke an emotion in participants, helping them to retain the information better. Visit gamification is a powerful process that firstly provokes amusement (through the game), but also more subtle emotions such as appreciation (with a scoring game) and pleasure (the fact of winning something). These emotions are more readily present thanks to the active nature of advertising, unlike traditional, passive advertising.

The marketing competition must be designed and organised around the brand’s key issues. Here’s 10 reasons to launch a marketing competition.

1. Gain visibility

Marketing competitions are highly effective tools for enhancing a brand’s image, raising awareness or simply communicating about a product, service or event.

The operation dissemination stage is crucial, as it is here that companies will be able to reach the widest possible target audience. The main advantage of a competition is that it can be broadcast very simply via any channel, thanks to a simple URL. It can also be integrated directly into a web page, for an even more immersive effect. By using several advertising channels at the same time, the process of promoting the operation is even more effective.

Here are the different channels through which a competition can be broadcast, with the aim of increasing its visibility:

  • Email campaigns (in a banner for example)
  • Media coverage on social networks (Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, Instagram Ads etc.)
  • Via display advertising

2. Create virality

Widely-distributed competitions help to raise brand awareness via a wide, multi-channel distribution network. But it’s also interesting to bet on the target audience itself to spread the operation virally.

Certain types of marketing competitions allow for this, such as the Social Gauge.. Cette mécanique incite les participants à partager le jeu sur les réseaux sociaux. Plus il y a de nouveaux inscrits, plus les parrains ont de chance d’être tirés au sort pour gagner des récompenses.


marketing competitions social ratings

3. Getting a message across

Organising and promoting a competition gives brands the opportunity to spread different types of message in a creative, original and effective way.

A variety of scenarios can be put in place to suit the audience and convey the specific message that the brand wants to share with its target audience.

Here are a few examples of marketing competitions to get a message across:

  • A fun quiz can be used to communicate interactively about a service or a new product, or even to educate people about the world of the brand and its history.

  • A Blindtest immerses participants in a world, the ideal way to get audiences going and leave a lasting impression.

4. Promoting a product in an original way

Brands can broadcast messages via each stage of a competition. The home page, for example, highlights a theme, prizes to be won or a new product. The gamified mechanics or the results page encourage people to visit the website or a product page to find out more about the offers.

To increase the chances of participants visiting the site at the end of the operation, it is possible to give away promotional codes via an instant prizes system. By taking part, players can immediately see if they have won something, and can use the promotional code directly by visiting the site.

Here are a few examples of competitions to promote a product:

  • The Gift Finder asks participants to fill in a personalised questionnaire. At the end of the operation, they find out which gift or product is ideal for them.

  • The voting mechanism makes it possible to highlight products while collecting product preferences from its audiences.

marketing competitions survey

5. Mark an important event

Marketing competitions can support a communication campaign around a major brand event. To ensure that the operation performs well and achieves its marketing objectives (lead recruitment, engagement, conversion, etc.), the various stages of communication surrounding the operation must be respected.

First of all, it’s important to tease out the forthcoming operation to ensure that it attracts traffic at the time of launch.

Then it’s a question of animating your audiences during the event. There are several ways of doing this, depending on the type of event:

  • For a trade fair or festival, the company can offer tickets to be won beforehand by means of random drawing, but it can also offer prizes to be won on the spot with a Wheel of Fortune, for example.
  • Is a brand celebrating its birthday? Now’s the time to delight its customers and fans with a fun event that makes a lasting impression by offering prizes to be won over a given period.

6. Support a promotional period

Are the sales, Black Friday or exclusive private sales days for loyal customers just around the corner? This is the ideal time to launch an operation to boost sales and maximise conversions.

Marketing competitions can serve several purposes:

  • Attract customers to the website by offering them the opportunity to take part in a game on the theme of sales to win discount vouchers via their social networks.
  • Doing drive to store (in-store use of discount coupons won online)

Get even more sales by stimulating post-purchase (participants can earn additional discounts by uploading their proof of purchase).

7. Finding new customers

Marketing competitions and lead generation go hand in hand. In fact, this objective, which has been widely pursued by brands throughout the year, is now a sensitive one, against a backdrop of the end of third-party cookies and the protection of personal data.

Marketing competitions are an effective way of recruiting qualified leads and attract new customers. By offering attractive prizes, the brand encourages prospects to get involved.

On the other hand, competitions increase brand visibility by encouraging participants to share the competition with their network, which can attract new prospects and potential customers.

8. Get to know your audience better

Marketing competitions are an effective way of collecting qualified data on participants.

By asking participants to fill in a registration form to take part in the competition, it is possible to obtain valuable information about their preferences and interests. By including optional questions, you can gather more specific data about their consumer habits. customer database is enriched. It is also possible to personalise future marketing campaigns and better understand the needs of your target audience.

Please ensure that you comply with data protection laws and clearly inform participants about the use of their data in accordance with the confidentiality policy.

9. Building customer loyalty

Marketing competitions can also be an effective tool for building customer loyalty. By offering exclusive competitions to loyal customers, the brand encourages them to stay involved and continue interacting with its products or services.

Competitions can be designed to reward loyalty by offering exclusive benefits or free products, for example. This can help to strengthen the relationship by creating a sense of belonging and mutual esteem.

Competitions can also encourage customers to share their experience with their network, which can lead to greater visibility for the brand and attract new customers.

10. Leading your teams internally

Marketing competitions are not just for brands and companies selling products or services. They are also very useful in internal communication. En effet, ils permettent de :

  • Training employees using quizzes
  • Boost group cohesion (like digital team building) through a participative game or team game
  • Encourage productivity by challenging people via an open poll, such as an idea box.

Taking the temperature of well-being at work via a survey


In conclusion, marketing competitions offer many advantages to brands. They can increase visibility, go viral, get a message across, promote a product or mark an important event. To find out more, discover 8 tips for a successful interactive campaign!

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