5 methods for collecting qualitative data
To engage and convert prospects into customers more easily, brands need to know their audiences. This is known as customer knowledge, and involves gathering relevant, accurate and up-to-date information about their profile, expectations and habits. This data enables brands to :
- Create products or services that meet real demand;
- Communicate on the marketing channels their customers already use with content that resonates with them;
- Offer a smoother, more enjoyable shopping experience;
- Imagining and creating contact points to extend the customer relationship and build consumer loyalty.
The crux of the matter is data collection methods. This is invaluable information about who customers are and what they want. With the announced end of third-party cookies, brands need to come up with data collection methods that are both effective and non-intrusive.
What are the most effective data collection methods? In this article, we present 5 tools for collecting data.
1. The marketing game as one of the data collection methods
Fun and interactive, marketing games are an excellent data collection method. Not only does the prospect of winning a prize help to attract prospects and engage them, but the game itself incorporates data collection mechanisms (via interactions as in Swiper or Customizer ). The brand can also integrate a more traditional collection form at the beginning (to gain access) and at the end of the experience (before receiving the prize). This second form is dedicated to qualifying participants.
Why use it: to recruit, engage and convert prospects and customers by creating memorable brand experiences.
When to use it : at every stage of the customer journey. One example might be the distribution of an instant win via the brand’s website or social networks to generate new leads.
How to use it: game marketing works as long as the form or the method of collecting zero-party data (via interactions) is in harmony with the game experience. Prospects and customers will also be more inclined to share information if the brand offers them the chance to win an attractive prize.
2. The form lead
The form lead (or prospecting form) is used to generate leads by letting prospects submit their information in a form integrated into an advert.
Why use it : to recruit and qualify visitors using a pre-filled form integrated into its media campaigns. As well as generating leads, the advantage of this collection method lies in its speed. The user never leaves the interface (social network, search engine, etc.) because the form is natively integrated into the platform. This makes filling in the form quicker and the experience more reassuring for the prospect.
When to use it : Lead forms can be shared with the brand’s prospects at various strategic moments, such as when they request a quote or a free demonstration. Or when signing up for a newsletter or an event.
How to use it : The form lead can be set up to pre-fill data that the user has filled in on their profile (customer account or social media profile). It is advisable to keep the form as short as possible. The fields are fully customisable, allowing the brand to focus on the data that is relevant to it.
3. Coresgistration
Also known as co-subscription, coregistration allows brands to take advantage of a user’s subscription to a newsletter or another form of subscription (for example, a monthly product box) to collect data or opt-in.
This method generally takes the form of an advertiser logo, a catchphrase and then a personalised check box. When users fill in their plan form, they can tick an additional opt-in box to subscribe to the partner brand’s mailing list.
Why use it: to recruit opt-in volumes via a partner campaign in order to benefit from its audience
How to use it: as with other collaborative marketing methods (such as cobranding), the key to coregistration is to target the right partner. The more closely the brand’s value proposition and positioning are aligned with that of the partner, the more likely customers will be to tick the co-subscription box.
4. Click-to-lead email to collect customer data
This data collection method consists of highlighting an offer to encourage users to sign up for the brand’s newsletter. The opt-in is generated by the click (click-lead), and the user is then redirected to the e-commerce site.
Why use it: to facilitate data collection and generate conversions, as part of a prospecting emailing campaign.
When to use it: as part of an email campaign to generate leads
How to use it: to encourage opt-ins generation. The offer highlighted in the campaign must be attractive. Adding a deadline for taking advantage of the offer can also create a sense of urgency that will encourage prospects to sign up for the newsletter or tick the opt-in box so that they don’t miss out on current promotions.
5. Comparators for recruiting highly qualified leads
Finally, online comparators can be a lever for collecting customer data. The principle is simple: users want to find out more before buying a product or service by comparing different offers. They use a comparator and provide precise information in order to benefit from recommendations.
Why use it: to recruit ultra-qualified data and opt-ins.
When to use it: when a new prospect arrives on the comparator to understand their needs.
How to use it : the data collection form must meet the needs of the user (and not just the needs of the company, i.e. the data it wishes to obtain). The questions asked should be geared towards the user’s expectations and focus on a better understanding of their preferences. To encourage prospects to fill in the form, brands can offer targeted incentives (such as the possibility of being called back within X days by an advisor). The prospect can then be targeted with personalised offers.
Are you looking for data collection methods and to get to know your audience better through an engaging interactive experience? Discover our different data collection formats to increase interaction with your prospects and customers. You are also welcome to view our webinar on data collection.