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The Flappy game: go as far as you can!

Maintain the momentum of a character/object and make it go as far as possible to score points.

The Flappy mechanics are inspired by the famous mobile game “Flappy bird”. The aim of this mechanic is to slalom a character, called a “hero”, between obstacles by tapping on the screen, without ever dropping him to the ground. The game becomes increasingly difficult as the player progresses, as the game speed increases every time the “hero” passes 3 obstacles.

Visuals are highly customizable, such as the “hero”, obstacles or background.
This allows you to create a unique experience for your users.
The module allows you to take care of the design so that participants are immersed in your brand’s universe.

This score-based module also tracks players’ performances and ranks them according to their results.
This mechanism encourages participants to play again and again, making it engaging and ideal for challenging your audience!

Flappy game settings to customize :

  • Participation limits (per day, week, month, campaign and user)

  • Lose the game if contact is made with an obstacle

  • Activate obstacle displacement

  • Display results page

Customize the look of flappy bird like :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Hero visual
  • Cloud visual
  • Visual of the floor
  • Visual obstacles
  • Bonus visual

Discover how to create a Flappy game in Adictiz.

Examples of Flappy game campaigns

Mechanical Flappy Olympique de Marseille
Flappy Orange mechanics
Mechanics Flappy Mr. DIY

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