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Gift finder

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Find the perfect gift with the Gift finder

How do you collect customer data? Gift Finder helps you find the perfect gift by collecting preferences.

The Gift Finder is a tool that allows your users to select several pre-defined criteria from a number of drop-down lists. Based on these criteria, the module directs the user to a product or service that best matches his or her preferences. Customize the results page to display the visual of the selected product or service, its name and a redirect URL to its detailed page on your site.

This personalization is key to guaranteeing an optimal user experience. Personalizing the results page provides visibility for your products and services, while driving traffic to them and encouraging purchase. How do you collect customer data? The Gift Finder allows you to qualify your users by asking them to select several criteria, giving you a better understanding of their preferences.

By using Gift Finder, you can offer your customers and prospects a personalized user experience. You make it quick and easy for them to find the products and services that best match their needs and preferences. What’s more, by displaying relevant products or services, you increase the chances of conversion and customer loyalty.

In conclusion, the Gift Finder is an effective tool for improving the visibility of your products and services while qualifying your users and offering them a personalized user experience. By using this tool, you can drive traffic to your products and services, increase the chances of conversion and improve customer satisfaction.

Gift finder parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Fill in all fields before validating
  • Contents: parameters and award conditions

Customize appearance :

  • Category background color
  • Show scroll icon
  • Drop-down list spacing
  • Background/text hover color
Discover how to create a Gift finder in Adictiz.

Examples of Gift Finder campaigns

Gift finder green light
Gift finder cyrillus
Gift finder guerin

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