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The mystery word, put your brain to work

Users are invited to find words, phrases or dates that are hidden from view.

The Mystery Word is a mechanic that invites users to guess a word.
Clues are provided to help players.
The game is simple and easy to understand.
At the start of each game, the word is chosen and you must guess it using the letters provided.
You can choose the letters by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the game interface.

Once you’ve chosen a letter, you can see if it’s present in the mystery word and in what position it’s found.
If the letter is correct, it will be added to the game grid and you can continue guessing the following letters.
If the letter is incorrect, it will be displayed in red and you’ll have to try another letter.

The game can be timed, which means you have a limited amount of time to guess the word.
If you can guess the word within the time limit, you win points.
If you can’t guess the word in time, you lose points.

In short, it’s a fun and stimulating word game that offers an exciting gaming experience for players.
It invites engagement and is ideal for animation or lead qualification purposes.

Mystery word game settings to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Game modes: Hangman mode and Life mode
  • Activate sudden death
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Letter animation: fade, zoom, bounce
  • Result page

Customize appearance :

  • Hangman visuals (Hangman mode)
  • Lives visuals (lives mode)
  • Customize mystery word, description and clue

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