Speed Racing

Speed Racing

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Speed Racing, faster than light

Complete laps of the circuit as quickly as possible, passing all the checkpoints.

Speed Racing is a score-based racing game ideal for challenging your audience and keeping them coming back to your site or app.

The principle of Speed Racing is simple: users must complete a course as quickly as possible, avoiding obstacles.
To take part, users are invited to fill in a form with their name and e-mail address.
Once the form has been completed, they can start the race.

The course consists of a winding road with obstacles to avoid, such as cones, barriers and parked cars.

At the end of the course, the user’s time is recorded and compared with the times of other players.
A ranking is established in real time, enabling users to see where they stand in relation to other players.

To make the game mechanics even more engaging, you can add gamification elements such as bonuses to collect on the course or challenges to complete to earn extra points.
You can also personalize the car used by players by adding your logo or choosing a color in keeping with your brand universe.

If you’d like to create your own score-based racing game, a detailed tutorial is available to guide you through the creation of your game.
It explains how to create your course, add obstacles, customize your car and set up the scoring and ranking system.

Speed Racing parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of turns: from 1 to 5
  • Result page

Customize appearance :

  • Vehicle view
  • Circuit shape: there are 4 types of circuit
  • Visual obstacles
  • Menu color

Discover how to create a Speed Racing in Adictiz.

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Collect opinions with the online survey!

Gather opinions on various issues with a poll

The Survey module lets you collect additional information about your audience.
You can customize your questions to suit your needs, and display them in a clear, attractive user interface.
You can use this module to collect qualitative data on your users and better understand their needs and preferences.

To create a survey, you first need to create a list of questions.
Questions can be multiple-choice, single-choice, open-ended, etc.
You can also customize the layout and appearance of the survey by choosing a background image, font, text color, etc.
Users will be asked to answer all questions before they can access the rest of the game.
You can also customize the answers and results to display them in an attractive and informative way.

The main objective of this game mechanic is to collect data from your CRM database.
You can use this information to optimize your advertising campaigns, product and service offers, and to improve customer engagement.
What’s more, this feature enables you to enhance the qualification of your prospects and customers without having to use a conventional form.

The Survey module can be used to :

  • Gather feedback on a new product or service you’ve launched
  • Investigate the preferences and needs of your target audience
  • Collect data on your customers’ buying behavior
  • Ask your users for their opinions on topical issues
  • Evaluate customer satisfaction after a purchase or interaction with your brand

Customize online survey parameters :

  • Conditions of participation
  • Game mode: poll
  • Displaying the results page
  • Answer type: single answer, multiple answers, free field, optional free field, drop-down list
  • Text of questions

Customize appearance :

  • Visual background
  • Answer in pictures

Discover how to create a survey in Adictiz.

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In the game of Slicer, you need to sharpen your knife

Cut out as many custom items as you can to get the highest score in this fruit ninja like.

The Slicer mechanic is a Fruit Ninja like with engaging gameplay.
Players must use their skill to cut out the bonus visuals that appear on the screen.
They can slide their finger across the screen to slice the image, or use a mouse if playing on a computer.
Bonus visuals are usually images that represent your brand or products, while malus visuals are images to be avoided.

The game can be customized to include sound and visual effects that match your brand or products.
Players can also earn points and rewards by clipping bonus visuals and avoiding malus visuals.

The Slicer can be used in promotions or marketing campaigns to encourage consumers to interact with your brand or products.
It’s particularly useful for brands looking to create a buzz around their product.
Players can share their score on social networks, which can contribute to greater visibility of your brand or product.

Finally, the Slicer is easily integrated, offering an immersive, personalized gaming experience to your potential customers.
It can also be used to drive traffic to your website.

In short, the Slicer mechanic is a fun and effective option for promoting your brand or products to a wider audience.
By customizing the game to match your brand or products, you can create an engaging gaming experience that can help build brand awareness and attract new customers.

Slicer game settings, fruit ninja like to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Number of lives
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Visual lives
  • Gearbox visual (optional)
  • Splash screen (optional)
  • Time” bonus visual (optional)
  • Visual cursor (optional)
  • Elements to cut
  • Things to avoid
  • Disappearance type: explosion, fade, split, zoom
  • Position of lives
  • Particle color

Discover how to create the Slicer game in Adictiz.

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Shopping list

Shopping list

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The shopping list, to prepare your purchases!

Create your own wishlist from the brand’s products and submit it in a photo gallery

The Shopping List mechanic is a versatile solution for inviting your users to select items from a given list.
It’s ideal for creating a shopping list from your products, creating a list of activities to start back-to-school, or even creating a recipe from ingredients.

This mechanic presents your selection of products or services in different categories, with corresponding photos to engage users.
Participants can then drag and drop their favorite products into their list, creating a personalized experience that boosts engagement.

The Shopping List is ideal for your qualification objectives and for obtaining crucial information about your products, services or collections.
By allowing participants to create a personalized list, you gain valuable data on the preferences of your target audience.
This information can be used to personalize your offers and communications with them.

What’s more, thanks to the price caping functionality offered, the Shopping List is highly effective in boosting conversion.
You can set a maximum budget for each Shopping List, allowing participants to select products that meet their needs and budget.
This strengthens the appeal of your campaign while maximizing the chances of conversion.

Finally, the Shopping List is easy to use and can be launched quickly on your website or social networks.
This mechanism is therefore a simple and effective solution for boosting brand awareness, engaging your target audience and maximizing your qualification and conversion objectives.

Shopping List parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Activate price limit
  • Random display of articles
  • Limit use to one item per category
  • Text encouraging use of items
  • Activate background upload

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Display version
  • Game width on desktop
  • Number of items on mobile

Discover how to create a Shopping List in Adictiz.

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The Shooter game, aim well!

Aim at moving targets before they disappear to get the highest score.

The Shooter mechanic is a game of skill that requires you to shoot the elements that appear on the screen.
Thanks to its addictive gameplay and high replayability, players will spend time with your brand and products.

The Shooter module can be customized with a number of lives ranging from 1 to 5.
If the player loses all his lives, the game stops and is considered lost.
A life is lost if the participant fails to shoot at an element, or if he shoots at an element he was supposed to avoid.
Each successful shot earns 100 points, encouraging participants to keep playing to improve their score.

If you want to add an extra level of difficulty, you can activate the timer option.
Players will have to achieve their best possible score before the end of the allotted time, which you can set according to your preferences.

Finally, select the “Show results page” option so that users can find out whether they’ve won or not.
This step will enable participants to see their progress and continue playing to achieve the best possible score.

In short, the Shooter mechanic is an excellent way to showcase your brand and products, thanks to its addictive gameplay and high replayability.

Customizable shooter game settings :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of lives
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Visual cursor
  • Visual lives
  • Items to shoot
  • Things to avoid
  • Scrolling the scenery
  • Type of appearance and disappearance
  • Direction of appearance

Discover how to create the shooter game in Adictiz.

Examples of Shooter game campaigns

Orange shooter game
Mechanics Shooter legrand
Mechanical Shooter Orange MIB

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