Wheel of fortune

Wheel of fortune

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The Wheel of Fortune, turn it fast!

Spin the wheel and find out instantly if you’ve won

wheel of fortune adictiz

The Wheel of Fortune is an extremely popular instant-win mechanism for rapidly recruiting new users. Participants are invited to spin a wheel to find out immediately if they’ve won. This mechanism is ideal for strengthening the appeal of the campaign to users, and thus maximizing your recruitment objectives.

The configuration of the Wheel of Chance means that each square on the wheel is associated with a prize in play. This personalization offers a unique gaming experience that captures the essence of your brand and engages your target audience. Participants will be excited to find out what they’ve won, creating anticipation that reinforces their commitment.

The Wheel of Fortune is a perfect choice for brands looking to quickly recruit new users. Its customizable configuration lets you adapt it to your needs and products, creating a unique experience that perfectly reflects your brand. What’s more, this instant-win mechanism is very easy to use, and can be launched on your website or social networks in no time at all.

Finally, the Wheel of Chance is ideal for maximizing your recruitment objectives. Participants are invited to share the campaign with their friends and family, increasing the number of people reached and maximizing your chances of recruiting new users. This instant-win mechanism is a simple and effective solution for boosting brand awareness and rapidly recruiting new users.

Instant winner guide

Wheel of Fortune parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of slots
  • Uniqueness of winners
  • Result pages

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the wheel
  • Visual background
  • Animation of the result box: zoom, highlight or both

Examples of Wheel of Fortune campaigns

tefal wheel of fortune
bonduelle wheel of fortune
mc donald wheel of fortune

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Wheel of chance | Tiime

Wheel of chance | Tiime

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Tiime presents the advantages of its pro offer

The Wheel of Fortune is an extremely popular instant-win mechanism


This format makes it easier to integrate playable ads into (or close to) editorial content, and limits the effect of banner blindness.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Half-page format

This is a very popular playable ads format, thanks to its impactful, uniform size.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Dive into the heart of Tiime’s visionary marketing strategy, which meticulously selected the Wheel of Chance mechanic to energise its playable ads Tiime campaign. This strategic decision underlines Tiime’s commitment to delivering a captivating, interactive experience to its target audience, while highlighting the distinctive advantages of its professional offering.

The decision to choose the Wheel of Fortune for this campaign was based on an in-depth analysis of its potential to overcome the phenomenon of ‘banner blindness’ by effectively capturing the attention of potential customers. This mechanism proved to be a strategic choice perfectly aligned with Tiime’s brand awareness objectives.

The simplicity of use and flexibility of deployment of the Wheel of Chance make it an adaptable marketing tool that is easy to integrate into a brand’s overall strategy, even in a landscape where advertising blindness is omnipresent.

By choosing the Wheel of Chance as the central pillar of its campaign, playable ads Tiime is demonstrating its commitment to offering an interactive and memorable experience to its audience. This innovative approach positions Tiime’s professional offering as an attractive and effective solution for companies seeking growth and success.

Inline-rectangle format

This format makes it easier to integrate playable ads into (or close to) editorial content, and limits the effect of banner blindness.

This is a demonstration of the Adictiz game mechanics and does not constitute a real campaign.

Half-page playable Ads

The wide angle or half-page

This is a very popular playable ads format, thanks to its impactful, uniform size.

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A single platform for achieving your marketing objectives and collecting exclusive data

Jackpot game

Jackpot game

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Jackpot game

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The one-armed bandit, jackpot game above all others

Instant winner inspired by casino slot machines

Game mechanics jackpot one-armed bandit

Bandit Manchot is a game of chance similar to a jackpot game. The user must launch the machine, which resembles a slot machine, to start playing. Customizable visuals scroll across the screen, and each one stops to display the result. If three identical visuals are displayed, the user wins a prize!

Mechanically linked to reward and gain, the one-armed bandit is a highly effective instant winner. It allows you to put your batches in the spotlight and maximize your lead recruitment performance. The game’s buttons are customizable to diversify the experience. Will you choose the handle (a great classic!), the single button to simplify the game or the three buttons, one under each column to make the pleasure last?

The customization options for this game are numerous, allowing you to showcase your brand image to your audiences. The objectives of this game mechanic are to generate leads, traffic and sales.

Why is this mechanism called Bandit Manchot? Historically, slot machines have had an articulated arm on the right-hand side of the machine. The latter has only one, so it’s one-armed (manchot, in french). On these more classic models, the principle is to align 3 identical symbols to win the jackpot game.

Instant winner guide

One-armed bandit settings, jackpot game to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Uniqueness of winners: allows you to choose the number of prizes that can potentially be won by a single user.
  • Results page
  • Latching: with handle, knob or customized

Customize the look of the jackpot game :

  • Visual size
  • Visual of Start button

Examples of one-armed bandit campaigns

One-armed bandit castorama
One-armed bandit la redoute
World one-armed bandit relay

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A single platform for achieving your marketing objectives and collecting exclusive data



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Glutton game, escape quickly

Challenge your participants with a mechanic inspired by the famous Pacman game.

Adapted from the famous Pacman arcade game, Glutton is a score-based game mechanic based on the user’s reflexes. It guides a character through a labyrinth, collecting bonuses while avoiding moving enemies.

Touching an enemy is equivalent to a malus, and can cost the player the game, as he only has a limited number of lives. The aim is to achieve the best score in the time allowed.

Thanks to its customization possibilities, this mechanism promotes your brand and products in a fun way. The Glutton game (or Pacman game) increases your visibility among your customers and prospects. They also spend more time with your brand.

Glutton game parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Stopwatch activation
  • The number of lives
  • The labyrinth design
  • Speed of play
  • Displaying the results page

Customize appearance :

  • The visual background
  • Background and wall colors
  • The hero’s visual
  • Visual lives
  • The pastille and the super-pastille
  • Things to avoid
  • Bonus and bonus text
Discover how to create a Glutton game in Adictiz.

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Scan and play

Scan and play

Scan and play mechanics

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Scan & Play

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Scan and you’re set, with Scan & Play

Using your smartphone’s camera, scan a barcode or QR Code to play.

Scan & Play mechanics

Offer your audience a unique interactive experience, online or in-store!

Let us introduce you to Scan & Play, an innovative technology that transforms your target’s smartphone into a magical tool. Simply scan a barcode or QR code, and in the blink of an eye, the user will be redirected to a dedicated page packed with relevant information.

This mechanism is quite simply perfect for a post-purchase campaign, allowing you to target users who have already made a purchase (barcode from a sales receipt). But that’s not all: you can also use it to track the effectiveness of a marketing campaign (for example, by placing a QR code on a flyer).

What makes Scan & Play even more exciting is that only users who scan the right code will be directed to your gamification campaign. This can take the form of an instant win with rewards or a score-based competition, for example.

Whether you’re a curious consumer or a passionate shopper, this feature offers a unique experience!


How does it work?

✓ Discover: Simply use your smartphone’s camera to scan the QR Code and discover the Scan & Play mechanism in an instant.

✓ Collect: Start by filling in the registration form, just as one of your prospects or customers would.

✓ Scan: Then simply scan the barcode shown as an example, and the experiment begins!

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