Paper toss

Paper toss

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With Paper toss, aim high!

Score maximum points by throwing an object into a receptacle (difficulty varies).

Game mechanics papertoss basketball

Paper Toss is a score-based game mechanic that invites users to toss an item into a customizable container. With its three game modes (standard, arcade and basket) and numerous configuration parameters, Paper Toss is an excellent choice for challenging your audience and meeting your engagement objectives. In “Arcade” mode, the container is static, and the player must adjust his shot according to distance and angle. In “Basket” mode, the container moves linearly across the width of the play area, adding to the difficulty.

This unique mechanic offers a fun and addictive gaming experience that can maximize your audience’s exposure to your brand universe. By customizing the container and launch elements, you can create a unique and memorable gaming experience for your audience.

To limit the number of entries per user, you can define the number of entries per day, week, month or campaign. To add difficulty for the player, you can activate the “Stopwatch” option. The player must then achieve the best possible score before the time runs out. You can define the number of seconds left for the participant.

You can also choose the number of lives possible for the participant. If you choose to have unlimited lives, the time you define will be the end of the game. If you choose to limit the number of lives, the game will stop and be considered lost if the participant exceeds the authorized limit. A life is lost if an item fails to enter the container and falls to the bottom of the game screen.

Paper toss parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Number of lives
  • Entrance animation
  • Outing animation
  • Activate “Arcade” or “Trash” mode
  • Travel mode: sequenced or progressive
  • Activate combos
  • Activate wind
  • Result page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Panel visual
  • Basket visual
  • Visual lives
  • Visual of the wind arrow
  • Visual of projectiles
Discover how to create a paper toss in Adictiz.

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The Simon game, do you have a good memory?

Reproduce the proposed visual and/or sound sequences without making any mistakes in this Simon game mechanic.

Mecanique de jeu simon

Simon is a classic memory game that has captivated generations of players since its creation in the 1970s. Simon’s mechanics allow you to challenge your participants with a memory game in which the aim is to reproduce the visual and/or sound sequences proposed without making a mistake. This engaging gaming experience lets you showcase your products through truly addictive gameplay.

The Simon is a perfect choice for brands looking to engage their community in a fun and stimulating environment. Participants will be kept on their toes by the challenge of memorizing increasingly complex visual and sound sequences. With customization, you can tailor the game to your needs and products, creating a unique experience that captures the essence of your brand.

Simon can be used for a variety ofcommunity engagement objectives. You can use it to promote a new product, offer rewards to your most engaged participants, or simply to add fun to your online marketing strategy. Whatever goal you have in mind, the Simon can help you achieve it.

What’s more, Simon is very easy to use. Simply customize it with your own images and sounds, and it’s ready to launch on your website or social networks. With personalization, you can ensure that the game perfectly reflects your brand, boosting brand recognition and participant engagement.

In short, the Simon is an innovative marketing tool that lets you showcase your products in a fun and stimulating way. Customization offers endless possibilities for adapting the game to your needs and products. With the Simon, you can engage your community in a fun way and build brand recognition.

Simon game settings to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of lives
  • Custom mode
  • Displaying the results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Visual lives
  • Sound to play in case of error

Discover how to create a Simon game in Adictiz.

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Sports predictions, who’s going to win?

Predict the next matches and pick the winner (can be used for all sports).

Pronostic’s mechanics are highly reputed in the world of sports, especially soccer. It allows users to make predictions about the outcome of an event, such as a soccer or rugby match. Fully customizable, this game will fit in perfectly with your brand universe and help you stand out from the crowd at these major sporting events.

This game will help you achieve your visibility and engagement objectives, thanks to its high recency potential for your players. Players will be able to return regularly to forecast daily events, half-time or end-of-match scores, and follow their progress in a ranking – a highly addictive mechanic!

The emulation provoked by this mechanism among your audience at the unveiling of the results will encourage the engagement of your prospects & customers. Who hasn’t tried betting on a match to win some money or a present? Ideal for events such as the Football World Cup or the Rugby World Cup.

Customizable prediction game settings :

  • Number of entries (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Mode (3 modes available: beginner, advanced or expert)
  • Edit scores (modify predictions as long as the match hasn’t started)
  • Points display

Customize appearance :

  • Player configuration
  • Match setup

Examples of sports prediction game campaigns

Unkut Prediction Game
Orange Prediction Game
Peugeot Prediction Game

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Find the hidden object in the Shuffler game !

Try to find the object to win a prize in this game adapted to your brand image.

The Shuffler’s mechanic is inspired by the famous game of Bonneteau, where the user has to focus on an object hidden under one of the 3 upside-down cups. In this game, the 3 cups are customized to match your brand universe, and the mixing is done in front of the player’s eyes. The player must then find the hidden object to win the game. Numerous personalization parameters are available to customize the mechanics and make them your own.

It’s the perfect way to achieve your visibility and branding objectives, as well as boosting your recruitment. The game is a great way to showcase your brand or products.

Here, adapted as an instant win, a prize is available the moment a user accesses the Shuffler game. All users have to do is follow the gain hidden beneath one of the images with their eyes, and find it! Bonneteau is a game that’s both fun and engaging.

Instant winner guide

Customizable shuffler parameters :

  • Number of entries (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Game mode (cup, box or door)
  • Uniqueness of winners (the number of prizes that can be won by a single user)
  • Results page

Customize appearance :

  • The visual of the hidden object
  • The visual of the cover (door, box or cup)
  • The visual of the container
Discover how to create a Shuffler game in Adictiz.

Examples of Shuffler campaigns

shuffler yop game
Shuffler game Président
Shuffler game Mc Donalds

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Hidden objects

Hidden objects

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The Hidden objects game, they’re hidden… find them!

Find objects hidden in a visual within a time limit to score maximum points.

The Hidden Objects game mechanic involves finding objects hidden in a picture. Once all the hidden objects have been found, users can be rewarded through a prize draw from all the participants. This simple, fun game mechanic is suitable for all types of user, and can be used to highlight your brand’s products or services.

Ideal game mechanics for recruiting and retaining fans. In fact, this game allows you to create a unique gaming experience that offers high added value to your users. By highlighting your products through the design of this mechanic, you can strengthen user engagement with your brand.

Customize Hidden objects game settings :

  • Participation limits (per day, week, month, campaign and user)
  • Activating the zoom
  • Button positions
  • Stopwatch activation
  • Stroke activation
  • Displaying the results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Visual of “+” button
  • Visual of “-” button
  • Visual of success
  • Visual of error
  • Slider activation
  • Displaying objects on a line

Discover how to create a Hidden objects game game in Adictiz.

Examples of Hidden Objects game campaigns

hidden objects goal game
pinata game customer example adictiz delsey
hidden objects game camif

More than 200 brands trust us

Put your audience to the test with the hidden objects game