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The Personality Test, to get to know yourself better

Ask one or more questions to determine which profile your audience will match

The Personality Test is a must-have feature for any marketing campaign wishing to collect relevant data on prospects and customers.
Thanks to this mechanic, you can qualify your users while offering them a fun gaming experience to discover their personal profile.

By using this game mechanic, you can direct your customers towards the products that best meet their needs, and thus increase their interest in buying.
What’s more, it allows you to reinforce the qualification of your prospects and customers, without the need to use conventional forms.

Users will have to answer several questions to discover the profile that best suits them.
You can also personalize the profiles to present your products and services best suited to each profile’s affinities.

The Personality Test is an all-in-one solution for interacting with your audience and gathering relevant data about your customers.
This game mechanic enables you to increase your users’ engagement by maximizing their time spent on your campaign and the number of games played.
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about your customers and offer a fun, personalized gaming experience.

Personality Test parameters to customize :

  • Limited participation: define whether users will be able to play unlimited games on your campaign
  • Edit profiles
  • Display results page: results only or results by profile

Customize appearance :

  • Background image
  • Background color

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