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The Shooter game, aim well!

Aim at moving targets before they disappear to get the highest score.

The Shooter mechanic is a game of skill that requires you to shoot the elements that appear on the screen.
Thanks to its addictive gameplay and high replayability, players will spend time with your brand and products.

The Shooter module can be customized with a number of lives ranging from 1 to 5.
If the player loses all his lives, the game stops and is considered lost.
A life is lost if the participant fails to shoot at an element, or if he shoots at an element he was supposed to avoid.
Each successful shot earns 100 points, encouraging participants to keep playing to improve their score.

If you want to add an extra level of difficulty, you can activate the timer option.
Players will have to achieve their best possible score before the end of the allotted time, which you can set according to your preferences.

Finally, select the “Show results page” option so that users can find out whether they’ve won or not.
This step will enable participants to see their progress and continue playing to achieve the best possible score.

In short, the Shooter mechanic is an excellent way to showcase your brand and products, thanks to its addictive gameplay and high replayability.

Customizable shooter game settings :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of lives
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Visual cursor
  • Visual lives
  • Items to shoot
  • Things to avoid
  • Scrolling the scenery
  • Type of appearance and disappearance
  • Direction of appearance

Discover how to create the shooter game in Adictiz.

Examples of Shooter game campaigns

Orange shooter game
Mechanics Shooter legrand
Mechanical Shooter Orange MIB

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