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In the game of Slicer, you need to sharpen your knife

Cut out as many custom items as you can to get the highest score in this fruit ninja like.

The Slicer mechanic is a Fruit Ninja like with engaging gameplay.
Players must use their skill to cut out the bonus visuals that appear on the screen.
They can slide their finger across the screen to slice the image, or use a mouse if playing on a computer.
Bonus visuals are usually images that represent your brand or products, while malus visuals are images to be avoided.

The game can be customized to include sound and visual effects that match your brand or products.
Players can also earn points and rewards by clipping bonus visuals and avoiding malus visuals.

The Slicer can be used in promotions or marketing campaigns to encourage consumers to interact with your brand or products.
It’s particularly useful for brands looking to create a buzz around their product.
Players can share their score on social networks, which can contribute to greater visibility of your brand or product.

Finally, the Slicer is easily integrated, offering an immersive, personalized gaming experience to your potential customers.
It can also be used to drive traffic to your website.

In short, the Slicer mechanic is a fun and effective option for promoting your brand or products to a wider audience.
By customizing the game to match your brand or products, you can create an engaging gaming experience that can help build brand awareness and attract new customers.

Slicer game settings, fruit ninja like to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Activate stopwatch
  • Number of lives
  • Display results page

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the game background
  • Visual lives
  • Gearbox visual (optional)
  • Splash screen (optional)
  • Time” bonus visual (optional)
  • Visual cursor (optional)
  • Elements to cut
  • Things to avoid
  • Disappearance type: explosion, fade, split, zoom
  • Position of lives
  • Particle color

Discover how to create the Slicer game in Adictiz.

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