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The Wheel of Fortune, turn it fast!

Spin the wheel and find out instantly if you’ve won

wheel of fortune adictiz

The Wheel of Fortune is an extremely popular instant-win mechanism for rapidly recruiting new users. Participants are invited to spin a wheel to find out immediately if they’ve won. This mechanism is ideal for strengthening the appeal of the campaign to users, and thus maximizing your recruitment objectives.

The configuration of the Wheel of Chance means that each square on the wheel is associated with a prize in play. This personalization offers a unique gaming experience that captures the essence of your brand and engages your target audience. Participants will be excited to find out what they’ve won, creating anticipation that reinforces their commitment.

The Wheel of Fortune is a perfect choice for brands looking to quickly recruit new users. Its customizable configuration lets you adapt it to your needs and products, creating a unique experience that perfectly reflects your brand. What’s more, this instant-win mechanism is very easy to use, and can be launched on your website or social networks in no time at all.

Finally, the Wheel of Chance is ideal for maximizing your recruitment objectives. Participants are invited to share the campaign with their friends and family, increasing the number of people reached and maximizing your chances of recruiting new users. This instant-win mechanism is a simple and effective solution for boosting brand awareness and rapidly recruiting new users.

Instant winner guide

Wheel of Fortune parameters to customize :

  • Number of entries
  • Number of slots
  • Uniqueness of winners
  • Result pages

Customize appearance :

  • Visual of the wheel
  • Visual background
  • Animation of the result box: zoom, highlight or both

Examples of Wheel of Fortune campaigns

tefal wheel of fortune
bonduelle wheel of fortune
mc donald wheel of fortune

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